Under Tatarbunarami blocked the route "Odessa-Reni": journey only tank

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The strike took place on track Odessa-Reni near Belolesye's village of the Tatarbunarsky area this afternoon.

People demand urgent repair of the broken road and oppose raiding.

As eyewitnesses in pablike reported "my Izmail", a live chain people perkryvali the road between Belolesyem and Tatarbunarami therefore drivers should go round this site fields. People on meeting held posters with inscriptions against raiding on roads and for urgent repair of the route.

According to eyewitnesses, in connection with holding an action the huge automobile jam was already formed.

At present picketers dispersed.

Let's note that this site of the road is problem, but not most broken. Where worse to reach to inhabitants of Pridunavya for Tatarbunarami. The road site between Tatarbunarami and Spaskoye's village - is absolutely broken. There journey is possible only on fields and only in good weather.