Hmelnitsky area: during fire elimination in a high-rise building firefighters evacuated 7 inhabitants
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On April 4 at 22:55 in Service of rescue "101" the message on a fire in a five-floor house on Vasily Stus St. that in Krasilov Hmelnitskoy of area arrived. Inhabitants of the neighboring apartments who felt a caustic smell of a smoke called.

At once the office of rescuers of the fourteenth State rescue and fire fighting part was directed on a scene as a part of four people at the time of which arrival from an apartment window on the fifth floor fire is already visible. Between marches of strongly filled with smoke staircase firefighters laid the hose line for fire extinguishing. Being in means of protection of respiratory organs and sight, rescuers a fire, of 12 sq.m, localized at 23:00, and liquidated - at 23:05.

At the same time with it, a link of gas and smoke protective service brought to fresh air of four inhabitants of the neighboring apartments, three more people rescuers evacuated from the fifth floor by means of an autoladder. Workers of DSNS managed to prevent distribution of fire to the neighboring apartments.

As a result of a fire fire destroyed things of house use and internal walls are damaged. Alleged cause of a fire - imprudence when smoking. Lost and injured was not.