The Polish cities refuse a fare in public transport
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Photo: Калининград.Ru

The authorities of 50 Polish cities entered a free pass in public transport for all or separate categories of passengers. About it writes Reszpospolita edition . Thus the authorities try "to replace" citizens from cars to more ecological type of transport.

Liberation from a payment in public transport works in six cities of Poland: To Golenyuva, Kostsezhina, Lublin, Polkovitsa, Tomashuva Mazovetskom and Elena Gura. In Heats, Kielce, Legyonovo, Laziske-Gurn without ticket it is possible to go on some routes. In a number of the cities the free pass is provided for the unemployed, physically disabled people, and also youth till 22 years.

So, in Krakow since new academic year pupils of elementary grades will go by buses and trams free of charge. Such privilege will cost to the authorities 2,7 million zloties. Owners of cars will be able to use free of charge buses those days when will fix high level of air pollution.

According to experts, introduction of preferential journey — good idea as in this case citizens stimulate to change to more ecological type of transport. However from the economic point of view such approach is favorable only to the small district.

"The public transport has to be modern and attractive to convince inhabitants less to use the car. But, if transport becomes free, it will demand big monetary investments in infrastructure that it is very hard to finance" — the expert in transport branch Yaqub Klimkevich notes.