"I married the normal family man - professor of university"... - the wife Khalifa DAISh ad-Duleymi about the ex-husband

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the Former wife of the leader of IG told

about the life
with it For the influence in the dzhikhadistsky world Sadzha received Halifess's nickname. the Former wife of the leader of terrorist group "Islamic State" (IG) Abu Bakr al-Bagdadi told

about the life with it, transfers on March 31 Lenta.Ra with reference to The Independent.

"I married the normal family man - professor of university (...) . It went for work and came back home, to the family. He did not take part in any "resistance movements". As he became the leader of the extremist organization most dangerous in the world - for me a riddle", - 28-year Sadzha ad-Duleymi reported.

according to the woman, her former spouse - very mysterious person. "It was impossible to talk to it normally (...) . I did not love it, with it was not happy and left him. Besides it was dishonest in relation to his first spouse. She very much worried", - provides the edition of her word.

of Sadzhu ad-Duleymi, al-Bagdadi with which was got married in 2009 and lasted only three months, call one of his most known wives. For the influence in the dzhikhadistsky world Sadzha received Halifess's nickname.

without hiding a face under a hijab, she publicly urged women to adjoin from all over the world IG, promising them faithful husbands and worthy life. Its image so contrasted with typical image of the woman deprived of civil rights in the company of radical Islamists that her called "the honourable man".

the Terrorist organization "Islamic State" in the summer of 2014 took part of territories of Iraq and Syria and proclaimed there the caliphate. Then Abu Bakr al-Bagdadi accepted a title of the Caliph. In 2000 he graduated from the Baghdad University of Islamic sciences where received degree of the master on kiraatam (to schools of the public recitation of the Koran).

on April 1 2016,