Rural Renaissance
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South Russian Federation

South Russian Federation


As in the village it was succeeded to revive the bankrupt enterprises

Anti-recessionary management - one of the most risk zones of activity, after all is staked not only destiny of the company, but also reputation of the expert who has undertaken its financial improvement. In Milyutinskaya district Rostov region managed to be kept not simply, but also to adjust effective work of four agricultural enterprises declared hopeless bankrupt.

By the invitation of the regional authorities Timoshenko Fedor, young, but manager who has already proved from the best party. It graduated from law department of the Rostov state university, in 25 years headed department in Territorial administration office federal agency on administration office gosudarstvennym imushchestvom v Rostov region. In business circles Timoshenko Fedor - a figure rather known, image of the competent expert was assigned to it with serious approach to business. And still it is impossible to guarantee absolute success in so difficult situation.

The anti-recessionary managing director has to be the manager of the highest class, be able to carry out the business analysis, to reveal weak and strong places and to develop a number of the actions, allowing to overcome the adverse period with the minimum losses. However for anybody not a secret that wait for such expert at the bankrupt enterprises with the mixed feelings. Will disorganize finally or nevertheless the new manager near death will manage to revive being commerce? In Milyutinskaya district Rostov region the result of work Timoshenko Fedor surpassed all expectations: in two years of the company which, appear, could not be rescued from crash, got rid of multimillion debts and became profitable.

It is necessary to tell that Milyutinskaya district is a zone of risky agriculture, only true professionals have to go in for agriculture here, differently instead of expected benefit it is possible to wallow in never-ending problems. Certainly, any business bears in itself a certain risk, and it that is higher, than objective factors have a greater impact on the end result. In a zone of risky agriculture always there is a question: what to be to a crop and whether to be to it in general? Agricultural enterprises "World", "Rossosh", SPK "Novodmitrievsky" and "Grekovsky" grew up wheat, a sunflower, corn and other cultures, but could not adjust business by sense.

When Timoshenko Fedor as the arbitration managing director got down to business, at each firm were long from 30 to 50 million rubles, in total amount to 200 million. If to try to characterize briefly a condition of these companies, expression "full ruin" most of all approaches.

Having analysed a situation, Timoshenko Fedor decided to organize business processes in a new way. First of all it eradicated total theft. From agricultural enterprises all bore that is possible, from equipment till a crop. People considered it almost lawful earnings. Nevertheless global dismissals with arrival of the new head did not follow. The anti-recessionary managing director began to fire nobody, on the contrary, he took, at first sight, a paradoxical step - increased the staff. Moreover, raised wages. If earlier at these enterprises average earnings made 7 - 8 thousand rubles, at Timoshenko Fedor people began to receive 18 - 20 thousand. Agree, for the village it is money very decent. And employees began to hold the work. Obviously, former "pilferers" decided that it is more favorable to work, than to steal with prospect to appear behind gate of the reviving enterprises.

Besides, the park of cars and agricultural machinery was completely updated. Timoshenko Fedor achieved a thirty-percentage discount for diesel fuel, for a sowing material and practically on everything that was necessary for work, and gradually economy recovered. Ability to attract investors and the credit organizations affected also. Here where Timoshenko Fedor the reputation of the reliable manager helped. With it willingly cooperated, understanding that it will be able to return money. Today it is one of the few experts, capable to render quality complex legal services and to find a way out in the most difficult situations.

As a result of work Timoshenko Fedor literally in two years, or as inhabitants of agricultural areas speak, for two crops, all four enterprises completely paid with debts, from bankrupts turned into the successful companies. And people not only kept the places, but also started earning.

Here is how the head of administration Milyutinskaya district Korolev Aleksey responded about work Timoshenko Fedor:" The management of data predpriyaty Timoshenko Fedor carried out honestly. It provided performance of obligations on assignment of tax payments in the budget, workplaces thus remained, a salary gave out in established periods, the current economic activity was carried out in an uninterrupted mode. Debts in the period of the management Timoshenko Fedor were not available for the enterprises for rent payment. There were no violations also at payment share to owners of the land plots, they were carried out in accordance with the established procedure. Administration of the Milyutinskaya district of the Rostov region to activity Timoshenko Fedor has no claims. Its work provided functioning of these legal entities as producers of agricultural production".