Unauthorized dumps at the Borkovsky pit liquidate

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Meeting of the interdepartmental commission at Management of Directorate of the federal service for supervision in Sphere of environmental management (Rosprirodnadzor) onRyazan region took place.

On March 11, 2016 meeting of the interdepartmental commission on questions of realization of a package of measures of the restrictive, precautionary and preventive character, directed on prevention and elimination of the consequences caused by unauthorized placement of waste in the territory Ryazan Region in 2014, 2015, 2016

took place

At meeting there were representatives of Management Directorate of the federal service for supervision in Sphere of protection of Rights of consumers and wellbeing of Person on Ryazan region, Ministry of Environmental Management and Ecology of the Ryazan region, Ministry regionalnoy bezopasnosti i kontrolya Ryazan region, the Ministries of energy industry and Household management company Ryazan Region, Administration of Ryazan.

During meeting questions of unauthorized placement of waste in the region territory were discussed, places of unauthorized placement of waste in the territory Yermish district and unauthorized placement of waste to the south of the 3rd Borkovsky pit lengthways highways to the Borkovsky backwater to Ryazan are especially noted, discussed questions of carrying out a month in the area territory.

Following the results of it is decided to hear at the next meeting the representative of Administration of the municipal entity Yermish municipal district of the Ryazan region concerning unauthorized placement of waste and the representative of Administration of Ryazan, with the report concerning elimination of unauthorized placement of waste to the south of the 3rd Borkovsky pit lengthways highways to the Borkovsky backwater in Ryazaniya and the package of measures, directed on prevention of unauthorized placement of waste in the specified territory of the city.


Reviews information and news website "Ryazan Vesti"