Selection round of a festival for creatively gifted orphan children, children without parental support
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On the third of March in the Balagansky area in intersettlement Recreation center passed selection round of a festival for creatively gifted orphan children, children without parental support, disabled children " the Baikal star – 2016 ". Organizers of action the administration of the Balagansky area and regional public state institution "as Management of social protection of the population on the Balagansky area " with assistance of Management of culture of the Balagansky area acted.

In selection round 73 children took part in 6 nominations. (All 227 orphan children live in the Balagansky area, children without parental support and 58 disabled children).

Traditionally selection round in the Balagansky area is held in the form of big festive action.

With numbers in the nominations " Art word ", " Musical creativity ", " Folklore " pleased 25 children. The greatest number of participants was in the nominations " Fine arts ", " Arts and crafts ", " Photo ".

On the eve of action by management of social protection and administration of the area a lot of work on involvement of sponsors as, by convention, each contestant receives a gift and a sweet prize was carried out.

As sponsors acted: local office of United Russia Party, collectives or heads of departments of regional administration, office of police, service REGISTRY OFFICE, pension fund, regional hospital, multipurpose center, Council of fathers and Council of women, Balagansky forestry, technical school, management of a social security and staff of the complex center, also individual entrepreneurs and certain citizens. Developing games, soft toys, puzzles, globes, dolls, machines, sports equipment, pictures, embroideries, even the cell phone – it is far not the full list of the gifts received by children.

All participants of a festival were marked out by diplomas.

Participants who will represent the Balagansky area on zone selection round of the " Baikal star " festival in the city of Sayansk are defined.

In completion of action the general photo of children was made.

The pleasure, the festive atmosphere, creative mood - all this distinguishes the regional festival " Baikal star " which children of the Balagansky area love and look forward.