In Latvia in large quantities burn down a starnik: in days 2 hectares of a last year's grass burned down

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<= "http://g2" """ """ = "image" width = "520" height = "315" alt = "In Latvia in large quantities burn down img src with itemprop a starnik: in days 2 hectares of a last year's grass"/> Foto burned down: LETA B the last Saturday in Yaunelgava and Ventspils firefighters extinguished two fires of the last year's grass which area made 2 hectares, the press secretary of the State Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) Victoria Gribuste reported to LETA agency.

On 1 hectare of a grass yesterday burned out in the Skrundsky region and Bausk.

as a whole extinguished yesterday 21 fires of a last year's grass, and all this year — already 86 fires.


of GPSS reminds that burning of a dry grass is forbidden and administratively punishable. Such fires threaten property, health and life of people. As a result of arsons of a last year's grass burn out fields, constructions burn down, suffer or even people perish. Burning of a dry grass also causes essential damage to the nature and its biological diversity.


According to the Code of administrative violations for burning of a last year's grass are threatened by a fine in the amount of 280 to 700 euros, and penalties for not well-groomed sites with not mowed grass for natural persons make from 140 to 700 euros, for legal entities — from 700 to 2900 euros.