The Prāta vētra group had to cancel a concert in Newcastle

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To Prāta vētra group were necessary to cancel a concert in Newcastle Foto: F64 Because of small interest was necessary to cancel the concert planned for April 13 Prāta vētra in the British Newcastle. It had to take place there within the European round of group, reports LETA.

According to official information, instead the group will act on April 15 in Nottingham, in The Rescue Rooms club. by

Earlier it was reported that in April of Prāta vētra a concert in Vilnius will open the European round devoted to a latest album "7 soļi svaiga gaisa". During round the group will act in Great Britain, then 4 concerts in Russia will follow. Prāta vētra plans to act in the spring also in Estonia, and in May in Ireland. In turn in August the group will please listeners in Liyepaye at Daugava stadium.

the latest album of Prāta vētra let out in May, 2015. Then the Latvian round with performances in Yelgava, Ventspils, Valmire and Riga followed. The final concert in the capital brought together 45 000 viewers, and as a whole in Latvia concert tour was visited by 100 000 people.