The Kiev notes from the Turkish coast: the authorities of the Turkish city the Battement decided to file a lawsuit against Batman's founders

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City authorities the Battement, the province center in the southeast of Turkey, decided to file a lawsuit against founders of the movie "Batman" for use of the name of the settlement without the permission, report mass media with reference to the mayor Hyuseyn Kalkan.

"The American founders of a picture without the permission used the name of our city and the province of the same name. We file a lawsuit against his authors if it is required, we will make it in the USA" — transfers RIA Novosti news agency Kalkan's words.

"In the world there is only one Battement, and it is located in Turkey" — the mayor declared.

According to him, the Battement was founded in due time on the marshland and in honor of it was so called.

"In 1940 the Battement history radically changed when oil fields" there were found — Kalkan told. it is interesting to p by

that city authorities are going to file a lawsuit against founders of the movie though Kalkan reminded that comics about "The person — the Bat", formed a basis for the film epic of the same name, were born in 1939. Then it called "Bat Maine" that is also conformable with the city name.

In English the name of the city sounds as well as the name of the popular hero of comics.

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