The Leningrad rock club celebrates the 35 anniversary

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the Legendary Leningrad Rock Club (LRC) celebrates on March 7 the 35th birthday.

Thanks to LRK such known rock groups, as "Aquarium", "Cinema", "Zoo", "TV", "Auktsyon" and many others became known. In total on Rubenstein, 13, in the 1980th years acted about 600 collectives. At the first concert of club which took place on March 7, 1981, played "Myths" popular at that time, "Picnic", "Russians" and "Mirror".

according to the president of LRK Nikolay Mikhaylov, the need for the such organization remained during the seventies. 35 years ago the Leningrad rock club took place in the House of national creativity.

of LRK became the fourth successful attempt of creation of an institution of such format in the city on Neva, "Pop Federation" of Nikolay Vasin in the early seventies was the first. In the USSR the Leningrad rock club was the strongest and the most numerous.
