The leader of the Slovak party wounded a saber at a champagne otkuporka "in a hussar way"

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The chairman of Liberal party "Freedom and solidarity" Richard Sulik who achieved considerable success at last parliamentary elections, got wound by a saber during unsuccessful attempt of one of his colleagues to uncork champagne.

"It resulted from unsuccessful attempt of one of his colleagues to uncork a champagne bottle in a hussar way – to cut down a stopper", – transfers TASS words of one of participants of a meeting.

"Richard Sulik stood near trying by means of a saber to uncork champagne and got insignificant wound of a hand, – told a source. – The party leader went behind medical care that experts examined and processed a wound. After this procedure it will return to headquarters and together with all will expect results of elections".

As informed the Bratislava TV channel "Markiza", being in the central part of a political range of the republic "Freedom and solidarity" collected, according to preliminary data, 13,3% of votes and can become after social democrats the second political force in parliament.

By data DW , ruling party "The direction – the social democracy" the prime minister Robert Fico won a victory on the elections which have come to the end in Slovakia. According to data of exit polls which are provided by local TV company Markiza, social democrats got support of 27,3% of voters.

Political party "Svoboda i solidarnost"
Political ideology:Либертарианство, мягкий евроскептицизм, консервативный либерализм.