The British social sphere "goes to pieces" because of migrants

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photo: Global Look Press

Great Britain cannot accept migrants any more. The reason that the social system of the country started "going to pieces". The Minister of Culture told about it in interview of Daily Telegraph, mass media and sports John Uittingdeyl supporting an exit of Britain from the European Union.

the Politician emphasized that "the small country" cannot cope with an uncontrolled flow of refugees any more. Uittingdeyl also scarified the agreement of the prime minister David Cameron with EU, having declared, what it is not capable to change a catastrophic situation. Earlier Cameron achieved from the European Union of granting the special status of Britain which grants the right to accept visitors on "the conditions".

the Minister reminded that in the country there can be much more migrants, than are officially registered. "Present figures and so cause concern and if to consider that they can be underestimated, it creates even more serious problem" — it summed up.

Net migration to Britain in 2015 made, at least, 320 thousand people. However following the results of a year the main flow of refugees fell on Germany. According to Eurostat, in a year the country accepted more than 440 thousand migrants – an absolute record among members of EU. After Germany there are Hungary and Sweden, transfers TASS .