Suspected of murder of the child the nurse did not begin to object to arrest

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The nurse from Uzbekistan Gyulchekhra Bobokulova suspected of cruel murder of the child in Moscow, does not object to the arrest.

"It agrees with a measure of restraint", - were told by the woman in a hall of Presnensky court of Moscow, transfers RIA Novosti news agency .

On the way to court halls, on a question of the journalist, why she killed the child, Bobokulova answered: "Allah ordered". It ignored other questions of representatives of the press.

Proving need of arrest, the investigator specified that it can pressure witnesses and contact the instigators.

The consequence <= "" target =" _ blank"> declared to a href about search unknown instigators of murder. In SK did not specify who these people, but noted that they while are at large.

According to the investigator, charges to Gyulchekhra Bobokulova of cruel murder it is planned to bring on March 4.

Before the result nurse murderer survey by the psychiatrist became known. According to preliminary data, at the time of murder of the child the nurse was in a condition of a sharp mental disorder.

Thus that in native Uzbekistan the woman consisted on the account in a psychoneurological clinic with the diagnosis "schizophrenia".

According to the general director of the Pomogatel.Ru service Mikhail Sorokin, after the tragedy which have happened in Moscow demand for services of nurses in the city sharply decreased . Many parents still stay in a state of shock. However this natural recession, according to the expert, will not be long, in a week - two all will be restored.

On this background the leader of the All-Russian movement of labor migrants of Tajikistan Karomat Sharipov advised to the Russian mothers to raise children in general without nurses.

The night before published video of interrogation of Bobokulova. On it the woman tells that after divorce with the husband lived in a civil marriage, and she was the second wife of this person. And all relatives allegedly "expelled her on the street".

Let's remind, on Monday in the apartment of one of houses down the street the National Militia in the northwest of Moscow there was a fire. After ignition suppression found the decapitated body the child.

Later at October Field metro station the woman holding the head of the child in hand was detained. By words eyewitnesses , she shouted "Allah Akbar! " also talked to itself.

Gyulchekhra Bobokulova – the nurse of the girl which worked in the capital illegally appeared the suspect . On interrogation the 39-year-old native of Uzbekistan declared that committed murder of the four-year-old girl because of change of the husband . How exactly incorrectness of the spouse is connected with this family, she could not explain.

The detained nurse from Uzbekistan Gyulchekhra Bobokulova admitted guilt in murder of the girl in Moscow.

The Ombudsman for Children at the president of Russia Pavel Astakhov designated terrible murder of the child by the nurse. The ombudsman urged parents to check its mental state before nurse hiring.

Muscovites on Tuesday bear flowers to October Field metro station in memory of the killed little girl. His nurse is suspected of cruel murder of the child – the native of Uzbekistan. About an entrance to the subway the woman was detained by militiamen