HTC declares that clever hours of the company will make furor in the industry
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At the Mobile World Congress 2016 exhibition which has passed in Barcelona the executive director of HTC Cher Wong (Cher Wang) confirmed that the company works on own clever hours.

during CNET interview Cher Wong surely declared that clever hours of the company will make furor in the industry: "When HTC will show the clever hours, the industry will turn over upside down".

thus the finance director of the company Chaylin Chiang (Chialin CChang) noted that before start of clever hours of the company still it is necessary to solve a number of important questions, in particular, to make so that hours were not strongly beaten out from other line of products of HTC and could be used conveniently together with them.

HTC declares that clever hours of the company will make furor in the industry

we Will remind, Evan Bless claims that clever hours of HTC One Watch will go on sale in April .

Source: CNET

Sher Vong
Last position: Chairman of the board (HTC)
Bless Evan