The USA will throw to Finland armored cars "Stryker"

@Rossijskaja gazeta
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In May of the USA will throw to Finland more than twenty modern armored cars "Stryker". They will take part in the American-Finnish military exercises "Arrow" planned for May 9-20. The Minister of Defence of Finland Yussi Niiniste reported about it.

of the Doctrine will pass in the district of Kuopio in 150 kilometers from the Russian border. In maneuvers also will take part from 6 to 9 American fighters F-15 which will be based on Rissal's Finnish military airfield. To air base from the USA will arrive to 100 people of the service personnel.

Carrying out doctrines already provoked scandal in Suomi. The Finnish journalists tried to achieve some days from politicians of the answer who invited Americans. The Minister of Defence Suomi Yussi Niiste was silent even. As a result it was necessary to be responsible for all to the Minister of Foreign Affairs Timo Soyni who unwillingly recognized that nobody invited Americans, and they thrust.

the Transfer of modern American armored machinery in Suomi causes fears in local politicians. After all the Pentagon imported tanks and armored cars into Baltic also allegedly on doctrines, and then left these arms in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. Moreover, Washington plans to increase group in Baltic to level in 750 units of armored machinery. In addition in each republic is on a company of the American soldiers.

during doctrines Americans will use Finnish military infrastructures, and armed forces of Finland will render assistance to US military men. The help to the American armies as the Finnish experts note, violates article 13 of the Parisian peace treaty of 1947, limiting functions of the Finnish army by protection of the national territory.