The city hall for half a year to the 300 anniversary of Omsk decided to raise money for anniversary
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Vyacheslav Двораковский

Сегодня the mayor Vyacheslav Dvorakovsky presented "Fund of a development of the city of Omsk".

In Irtysh hotel complex there passed presentation of the "Fund of a Development of the City of Omsk" non-profit organization which founder is the city administration. Dvorakovsky declared that the main objective — association of efforts and resources for performance of actions for a social and economic development of the city, including on preparation of celebration of the 300 anniversary of basis of Омска.

«Деятельность of fund will allow to facilitate adoption of administrative decisions on projects of a development of the city, including anniversary actions, to resolve the organizational issues connected with implementation of projects quicker. For today the city administration offers to consider four projects: "Park of the 300 anniversary of Omsk", "Monument installation "Founders of Omsk", "Square improvement "Friendship of the people", "Pobedy Boulevard improvement" — Irina Kuimova told, to the deputy director of department of city economic policy.

the Supreme joint body of fund approved the board of trustees which was headed by the mayor. In council are chosen also heads of four enterprises and the organizations of Omsk: JSC Sladonezh, JSC TPI Omskgrazhdanproyekt, ON "Flight" — Federal State Unitary Enterprise GKNPTs imeni M. V. Khrunicheva branch, Association of the enterprises, the organizations and establishments of a petrochemical complex of the Omsk region. The board of trustees is allocated with controlling functions.

Into the fund account the first already arrived 300 thousand rubles from Oleg Smolin, the deputy of the State Duma.

Businessmen discussed this idea. Sergey Kalinin, the chairman of the board of directors of JSC HK Aktion noted: "It is really necessary to attract not only a narrow circle of businessmen to the projects directed on a development of the city, but also all residents of Omsk. We suggest not to be limited only to the presented 4 projects, and to expand this list of good deeds. ".

"We are ready to support each declared project because all of them fit into our national component. The purpose of our organization — to keep everything that was inherent in our ancestors and those who put Omsk. And a monument to founders of the city for us priority. The idea excellent" — considers Bruno Reuters, the chairman of the German national and cultural autonomy of the Omsk region.

"To us should bring an order and at our industrial enterprises that the culture on production and out of it was formed. Many enterprises make investments in improvement of adjacent territories — it too one of important parts of a further development of the city. Our company actively participates in other social projects on gardening and improvement of Omsk. And to these projects which will be realized at the expense of fund, we are also ready to give support" — Valery Boyko, the director general of JSC Titan Group of Companies acted.

on behalf of meeting will address to all enterprise community, the organizations of all forms of ownership and the city population with a request for fund support. As assured of department of city economic policy, information on the means arriving in this respect, will be open, the city hall reported.

Nikita Letov