Young Far Easterner the XXI century: In what mind force, brother?

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Young Far Easterner the XXI century: In what mind force, brother?
Genuine interest caused in residents of Khabarovsk the first festival of science "The mind force" which passed in Far East university of means of communication. To look on robots, to use 3D - the printer, to make the battery of make-shifts, to participate in physical and chemical experiments came the whole families, classes and student's groups.

Small steps

I about this uncommon event learned, having glanced on a page on a social network of "VKontakte". Having run prior to a festival on university floors where platforms and laboratories were developed, had feeling something familiar for a long time. The understanding came quickly. Seen by me reminded demonstration of achievements of technical circles in the regional House of pioneers. I as if plunged into the atmosphere of the 80th years of last century!

At opening of "The mind force" Sergey Zaletin, the commander of crew "Soyuz-TM-30" and the commander addressed to audience from the big screen "TMA-1 Union".

" It first of all scientific holiday. Carrying out similar actions - always a small step for the person and huge for mankind , - Zaletin paraphrased words of the known astronaut Neil Armstrong. - Remember, you - the future of our country and our science "

Also it was thought to me if we move so small short steps, to us for a long time not to see breakthrough technologies...

there is Too much "but"

After attentive acquaintance to "an exhibition of achievements" and visit practically all stands the feeling of a failure in the past was aggravated. That is positioned now as "science miracles", for the majority of school students of the end of the Soviet era was represented by a standard set of physical and chemical experiences. To receive the high-voltage category? Yes without problems! The Elektroforny car from a physics office near at hand. Chemical experiments put "on a knee". Only they were connected is more increasing with explosions and combustible substances. About production self-made bombochek various configuration and efficiency even should not speak. And experiment on receiving electricity from potato to us was imparted by the known popular writer of science Yakov Perelman with his marvelous book "Entertaining Physics".

At an exhibition assembled machines from "Lego" cubes. In our family in the 70th years there were four types of designers from which we with the brother assembled movable by force of a tiny electromotor various mechanisms! At school chemical and physical experiments put in reality, instead of on a piece of paper. Special "counter" of a festival - robotics, it now that is called in a trend. But to collect and program the robot from the designer of "Lego" is not great achievement. Level of elementary grades, as a last resort – a summer camp. By the way, as most from beginning to end to collect the operated robot it is in detail described in Matskevich's book "Entertaining radio electronics in a pioneer camp", published in 1986.

To be fair I will note that technological exhibits at a festival after all were. Though in small quantity. For example, plastic model of a hand which can be operated remotely at any distance (it is made by TOGA laboratory). But to present broad practical application of such model while it is difficult. That you will not tell about the operating biomechanical artificial limb of a hand created with use of the 3D stand - Samadin Gumbatov's press. He is already fully exploited by the real person who has lost fingers. Here it – the real technology for life!

Time to collect stones

The actions similar to it are certainly necessary. Since the end of the last century to us the thought of advantages management - legal economic education in comparison with technical strenuously took root. In recent years priorities were obviously replaced. Only in Khabarovsk for rather short period passed some festivals of a robotics. However, the "breakthrough" local technical development brought to a mass production, I there did not see: or brought "because of a hillock" finished products, or the samples collected from import accessories.

From the Mind Force festival also there were ambiguous impressions. It is good that children which visited a science holiday, received bright emotions, and schoolboys are more senior – a shred of knowledge. But where they will go further? Where free technical circles within walking distance, what were in due time in each district of the city at the House of pioneers? Or Khabarovsk station of young technicians? I already am silent about the remote place …

the analogy Involuntarily arises. Industrialization which began in our country more than eight decades ago, demanded the mass of efforts and huge financing. There was in total no equipment, experience, knowledge. Meanwhile, to the scenario of the accelerated development of the country of alternative was not. Here and now, after long-term lag from the advanced countries in many parameters it is necessary to catch up. So forward? !

Dunayevsky Andrey

Andrey Nikolaevich Dunaevsky
Main activity:Field expert
Zaletin Sergei
Armstrong Neal
Perelman Yakov
Gumbatov Samadin
Station young technicians