The president of Haiti retired

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last Sunday the president of the republic of Haiti Michel Martilli resigned. Its reason were incessant protests of opponents of Martilli which compelled the government to postpone the beginning of an annual carnival of Mardi-Gr [Catholic analog of Maslenitsa] – instead of it on streets of Port-au-Prince collisions between demonstrators and police were developed.

On an idea of organizers of a carnival, this year it had to become symbolical and take place in one day with inauguration of the new president which, in turn, was appointed to day of the 30 anniversary from the moment of falling of dictatorship of Dyuvalye and the beginning of the democratic period in country life. However everything went not so: passed in October of last year were recognized invalid, and new – still are not carried out.

Retiring, Michel Martelli recognized full responsibility for the political crisis developed in the country." The history will remember my mistake that I and I one am guilty of these postponed elections" — Martelli declared, addressing members of National Assembly who should create now provisional government and to hold presidential elections, at last.

However not all demonstrators divide Martelli's optimism. Supporters of opposition explain it to that members of parliament also received the mandates as a result of dishonest October elections and therefore have no right to operate the Haitian people.

It is expected p that elections which it was initially planned to carry out in January, will pass now at the end of April, and inauguration of the new president will take place in May. However for this purpose the provisional government needs to agree on the list of candidates with opposition, relative, which GKTP the ruling party has not resolved contradictions with the majority of oppositional candidates. we Will remind p to

, political crisis to Haiti burst after the publication of results of elections on which the candidate from GKTP Zhuvenel Moiz unexpectedly won first place, having collected 32% of votes. After that his main rival from opposition Jude Célestine who has collected 28% of votes, refused to recognize results of elections legitimate, having called the government and the Central Election Commission "to respect will of the people". Seven more candidates who united in the initiative group demanding intervention of the Supreme Court joined it.

Members of the leaving government and personally Michele Martelli repeatedly denied charges of falsification of results of vote, accusing oppositions of attempts to destabilize a situation. However already it is now clear that any attempt to include Juvenal Moiz's candidate in the ballot will lead to new protests and boycott of elections from opposition. Therefore the question, whether will receive the people one of the poorest countries of the world opportunity, at last, to elect the president, directly depends on, whether the ruling party will be able to refuse the favourite or will prefer further escalation of intensity.