At the world's end: 7 geographical delusions

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All capes about which there is a speech, long time were considered as extreme points of the countries and continents. With cartography development they lost the exclusive status, but still attract numerous tourists.

Cape Horn, Chile

At the world's end: 7 geographical delusions Foto: / cc

This cape opened 398 years ago, is on the archipelago southernmost tip Tierra del Fuego. However thus it is not an extreme southern point of South America as many are mistaken. That is considered the cape Frouard that there is on the peninsula Bransuik in Chile. Besides, the most southern point of America (as) the group of small islands of Diego-Ramirez which area makes about 1 km ² is considered parts of the world. They are located approximately in 100 km to the southwest from the island the Horn.

the Cape was called p in honor of the Dutch city Horn — the hometown of the seafarer William Cornelis Skhauten which in 1616 reached "pseudo-extremity" of the continent. It is interesting that as the ship by which the traveler reached Patagonia was called also, but was compelled to leave a vessel because it suffered from a fire.

Cape Horn secretly nicknamed "Earth end" on a route between the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean, and because of furious storm also "a cemetery of the ships". Only in fifty years, from 1877 to 1927, to a bottom more than 80 vessels here went. However before construction of the Panama Canal the way through Drake Strait was the only way from the Pacific Ocean in Atlantic. And severe weather conditions did not do it fast — often attempts to round the continent at Cape Horn lasted for weeks and months.

Cape of Good Hope, Republic of South Africa

At the world's end: 7 geographical delusions Foto: Michael Jansen / cc

the Cape of Good Hope, or cape of Storms, is on the tip of the Cape peninsula. Long time it was considered as an extreme southern point of the African continent, but with development of cartography it became clear that the cape Needle (Agulyas) nevertheless to the south. By the way, it is in 155 km from the Cape of Good Hope which, however, carries today a title of the most southwest point of Africa. The inscription testifies to it on the plate with exact coordinates which is established on a platform before the cape.

the opening it is obliged by p to the Portuguese seafarer Bartolomeo Diasci. In 1488 its ship came nearer to most as it seemed to it, the southernmost tip of Africa. This geographical discovery could not come true — the whole gale disturbed disembarkation. It is not surprising that the seafarer nicknamed this district the Cape of Storms. Such name confused the Portuguese king Zhuan II. From his easy hand the cape was "granted" hope — the hope of Portuguese to find a sea way to India. Good luck smiled to other Portuguese — Vasco da Gama managed to round the Cape of Good Hope in 1497 and to reach the planned purpose.

Cape Finisterre, Spain

At the world's end: 7 geographical delusions Foto: / cc

This cape mistakenly was considered as the most western point of continental Spain. As mistakenly it considered as a place where the earth — from here and the name comes to an end that in translation from Latin Finis terrae means "the earth end". As for an extreme point of continental Spain — it is the cape Turinyan that is slightly to the north. However nevertheless Cape Finisterre enjoys bigger popularity. The matter is that in 90 km from it there is the well-known Spanish city of Santiago de Compostela — the final purpose on Saint James's way. In this city there are relics of the apostle Jacob for the sake of which pilgrims on foot overcome hundreds kilometers.

Some pilgrims go further and finish the way at Cape Finisterre where after the passable way it is accepted to burn the clothes or footwear. In honor of this ritual near a beacon the sign noting zero kilometer of the Way of Saint James is established.

Cape Soy, Japan

At the world's end: 7 geographical delusions Foto: Kzaral / cc

the Cape with the tasty name Soy of many misleads. The matter is that the obelisk which was on it claims that it is the most northern point of Japan. However actually northernmost tip of "The rising sun country" is all in kilometer to the northwest from the cape Soy — on Bentendzim's small desert island.

In reality the cape Soy is the northernmost tip of the island of Hokkaido. Through La Perouse Strait (in Japanese "Soy") in 43 km from the cape there is the Russian coast. In a sunny weather from the Japanese party it is possible to see the most southern point of Sakhalin — the cape Crillon. In cloudy day on Soy also is on what to look — there are more than 10 various monuments. Among them — the Prayer Tower (a memorial died in plane crash of South Korean "Boeing") and Mamiya Rindzo's monument (the Japanese researcher of Sakhalin). It is interesting that the school nearest to the cape, a beacon, gas station and other establishments carry a loud title of the most northern in Japan.

Cape Nordkap, Norway

At the world's end: 7 geographical delusions Foto: Noirin Shirley / cc

Many tourists believe that the cape Nordkap which name is translated as "the northern cape" — the most northern point of Europe. However the cape Knivshelodden located in the neighbourhood, is in one and a half kilometers to the north.

But as both capes are on the island Mageryo, they cannot apply for a rank of the most northern point of continental Europe. It belongs to Cape Nordkyn which is located in 6 km to the south of Nordkap.

Nordkap received the name thanks to the English researcher Richard Chensler who in 1553 appeared in this severe land in search of a northeast way to Asia. The cape is on the 307-meter rock with flat top. With the continent it is connected with the help of an underwater 7-kilometer tunnel which was built in 1999.

Cape Morris-Dzhesup, Granlandiya

At the world's end: 7 geographical delusions Foto: Wikipedia

This cape located in 740 kilometers from the North Pole, was considered as the most northern point of Greenland and the most northern point of land on Earth. But it appeared that it has "competitor" — the island Kaffeklubben. "The island of Coffee club" lies in 750 meters to the north of the cape Morris-Dzhesup. It was declared by members of the Canadian expedition in 1969. Later 27 years and Kaffeklubben was pressed by the small island which was called ATOW1996. Today ATOW1996 — the most northern documentary confirmed site of land.

By the way, the cape Morris-Dzhesup was open for p in 1900 by the American expedition led by the polar researcher Robert Peary. As this trip was organized on money of the American patron Morris Dzhesup, the open slice of land was called in his honor.

Cape Latrabyarg, Iceland

At the world's end: 7 geographical delusions Foto: Richard Gould / cc

In guides often meets the statement that the cape Latrabyarg — the most western point of Europe. It is worth noticing that Monshiki's island in the archipelago of Azores, lies to the west. But this misunderstanding does not confuse numerous tourists. The westernmost tip of Iceland that there is on the peninsula Vestfirdir, attracts them first of all with the bird's markets. Million birds nest at the rocky coast which extent makes about 14 km, and height in places reaches 450 m!

At steep rocks cormorants, mayovkas and local favourites — deadlocks soar. It appears, in Iceland not only admire this bright representative chistikovy, but also use him in food. There is a wish to believe that being on the cape "the most western pizzeria of Europe" adheres to more traditional gastronomic views.

Ramires Diego
Dobraya Nadezhda
Chensler Richard
Piri Robert