Mad collector: the former militiaman almost burned the child for an imaginary debt

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New example of criminal collection of debt. In the special reporting the Russia TV channel told about thousands of Russians, victims of a collection arbitrariness. And here — a shocking case in Ulyanovsk which almost led to death the two-year-old child. In a crib got Molotov's cocktail . Thus the collector tried to return money which were run into debt by the grandfather of the boy. The child has strong burns. Why the police in which the family addressed with complaints to threats, was powerless? And where to look for protection against black collectors?

the Bandaged person, the bandaged hands, the bandaged shoulders. Only scared eyes and strong burns on cheeks are visible. Two-year-old Ruslan slightly was did not burn alive because of a debt in 4000 rubles.

"In 3:10 nights in a window the Molotov cocktail flew, got to a bed where the grandfather and the child slept. The main part of a burn fell on the child: the face, hands, ears" — are told by the father of the injured child. the Grandfather of the kid shows p to

how everything occurred. The bottle punched a window and arrived directly in a bed. Incendiary mix scattered on a bed, the child literally flashed. The grandfather lit up also. That all this work of collectors, became clear at once: they already broke in the window house, trying thus to force to satisfy a small debt. The Molotov cocktail at night on January 28 punched the window closed up hastily after last attack. in

"In due time paid, paid, paid. But, excuse, me: as a milk cow, everything to them give, give, give" — the 56-year-old grandfather Ismail tells.

last year was taken the credit of 4000 rubles on purchase of drugs, however took it in the microfinancial organization — it easily distributes money, but under wild percent. So 4000 rubles promptly turned into 40 thousand. When after payment of 24 thousand money ended, collectors were connected to business.

"Promised to burn the house. We addressed in militia, police, they were warned, but told that actions from them any will not be" — the father of the injured child tells.

- Why you it made p?

the Suspect of a house arson now hides the person and does not want anything to speak. To it is what to listen. The committee of inquiry of Russia brought criminal case under the article "Attempt at Murder of Two and More Persons".

"Will give an assessment to arguments of victims that they addressed in police in connection with an available debt" — the head of investigative department of Leninsky district of Ulyanovsk of Investigative management of Committee of inquiry of Russia on the Ulyanovsk region Alexander Kozin promised.

In this wild history all is wild. It is reported that set fire house and people in it — the former law enforcement officer. He was dismissed from police in 2008 for thefts. And then began to work with a collector. Works was much.

the Main page of a site of the Rusdengi company in which victims took money. On a foreground the offer – "3000 rubles for 7 days, such credit will cost 420 rubles". Badly distinguishable addition below — 2% a day. More than 700% per annum turn out. But people for whom money it is necessary urgently and now, think that will pay off with a debt in those 7 days. When for various reasons it is impossible, the situation is aggravated literally on hours. The microcredits beginning with the ridiculous sums, quickly reach huge figures and become for many very heavy. Collectors from people beat out debts in literal sense: beat, threaten with murders, rapes, and recently threatened to blow up kindergarten, whose worker ran into debt money.

Terrible incident with an arson of the kid obviously has to lead p to drastic legislative measures.

"Due to the become frequent cases of a lawlessness from collectors, it is necessary to suspend completely activity of collection agencies before adoption of the relevant law which strictly would regulate their work. While such document is developed, it is necessary to return immediately to the law on bank activity earlier existing ban to transfer the rights connected with banking services, to the persons which do not have the bank license" — the speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matviyenko categorically declares.

"Actually we deal with racket which only as though is built in a certain procedure of reasonable requirements. Absolutely not. Never and for anything the right of commission of violent citizens as though for execution of any decisions" cannot be provided to anybody — the chairman of the State Duma Committee of Russia on safety and corruption counteraction, United Russia fraction Irina Yarovaya emphasized.

"Should adopt the special law which has to be very rigid, has to put in very severe constraints activity of these organizations", - the chairman of the State Duma Economic Policy and Entrepreneurship Committee, the deputy Just Russia fraction Anatoly Aksakov considers also.

"Within the law that person who conducts this activity, can conduct only only negotiations. That is, to convince the person that he has to give money to the borrower. More than anything! Threat of murder, threat to cripple somebody, family stealing – these all actions penal" — the lawyer, the member of council at the president of Russia on development of civil society and human rights Anatoly Kucherena emphasizes.

to Two-year-old Ruslan is necessary a course of treatment . The parents extinguishing it, rescued the boy from deep burns — they, generally superficial. However harm to health is done the essential.

"Still will have cosmetic defects. Complications in its situation are possible. Because of a burn of airways — it is bronchitis and pneumonia" — the manager of burn office of the Central city clinical hospital of Ulyanovsk Olga Demidova emphasizes.

In a corridor of burn office of children's hospital posters with the drawings "How to Protect Your Child from Burns" hang. But here also could not present that it is necessary to protect children from attacks of mad collectors.

Valentina Matviyenko
Last position: Chairman (Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation)
Irina Yarovaya
Last position: Vice-chairman (State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation)
Anatoly Aksakov
Last position: Chairman (Committee State Duma of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on Financial market)
Anatoly Kucherena
Last position: Chairman of presidium (KA "Kucherena i Partnery")
Kozin Alexander