In Moscow start tours "Christmas carol theater"

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<= "article_big_img" src = width "" = "600" height = "400" alt = "In the end of tours the theater always gives to img id Gogol's "Marriage". Photo: Valery Kichin/" data-attr = "gonorar" title = "In the end of tours theater always gives to RG Gogol's "Marriage". Photo: Valery Kichin/"/> In the end of tours theater always gives to RG Gogol's "Marriage". Photo : Valery Kichin/ By long-term tradition starts the Moscow tour January RG the Christmas carol theater festival (The theatrical center on Passionate, from January 15 to January 31). Ridiculous and tragic, it, apparently, is made of the improvised materials "on a knee" - and will look narrowly: here great skills and rare, organic, "nutryany" feeling of the nature of theater.

It generates talents, this theater. How it happens? Here, let us assume, around the smooth surface habitual to other provinces, the bog covered by a duckweed, and any cultural splashes do not disturb him. But someone's skillful hand will throw a stone at the right time and into the necessary point - and everything comes to life in a magic way. From under each water-lily the physiognomy - yes what leans out! Inquisitive, with greedy eyes before business. The backwater boils wild imaginations, everything rages and creates, and everyone appears the potential genius. Talents reach for talent - here it occurs at the level of cataclysm of planetary scale. The motor and the guru of all enterprise Nikolay Kolyada is able to install almost mystical self-confidence in people, and they break through foreheads own ceilings and all are torn above, opening in itself such reserves that to the Ural phenomenon marvel far beyond limits and Yekaterinburg and Russia.

Ridiculous and tragic, it, apparently, is made of the improvised materials "on a knee"

It already far not the first tours in the capital, and Moscow waits theater as the throat is fresher than water - he found unknown to the capitals savoir vivre and is able to tell so about it, what even in the American Blanch Dubois or in the Italian Truffaldino strings of our hearts sound. And that occurs on a scene, seems a concentrate of that everyone in a hall worried personally. And even Shakespeare or Chekhov here sound as modern Ural writers.

Ahead of 24 performances. Except "Hamlet" already familiar to Muscovites, "Boris Godunov", "The Cherry Orchard", "the Tram "Desire", "Marriages", "Masquerade", "Servants of Two Misters", "Woman Chanel" - a premiere of Richard III theater of Shakespeare ", a cat on the heated roof" Tennessee Williams, "Land surveyor" and "Club of the thrown wives" Nikolay Kolyada, and also Valery Shergin's "Kontslagerista's" anti-Utopia directed by the Center which has gemmated from "Christmas carol theater" of modern dramatic art. This meeting of young playwrights, directors and actors too these days will show the works - on a stage of the Center of a name of Meyerhold.


Nikolay Kolyada both his actors Irina Yermolova and Oleg Yagodin - guests of "A business breakfast" "Russian newspaper". You can ask them the questions on Wednesday, January 20, from 10.00 till 13.00 Moscow time about phone: 8-800-200-09-09 (calls free from all regions of Russia) or already now by e-mail: , and also by fax: 8-499-257-58-92 .

" the Russian newspaper" - Federal release No. 6874 (6)
Nicholas Kolyada
Shergina Valeria
Kichin Valery
Dyubua Blanche