To Tajiks will forbid to give to children strange names
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The government of Tajikistan attended to that in the country began fashionable to give to children dissonant names, such as Zog (Vorobey) or Safol (Ceramics). The Minister of Justice sounded an initiative according to which Tajiks will be forbidden to call children in this way. Photo: GLOBAL LOOK press Photo: GLOBAL LOOK press

the Minister of Justice of Tajikistan Rustam Shokhmurod took before deputies of the country the unexpected initiative. He suggested to forbid to give to children strange names which not only humiliate honor and dignity of the person, but also are alien to national and spiritual traditions of ancestors.

K such, according to the minister, the names Zog (Vorobey), Gurg (Wolf), Safol (Ceramics) belong. "Really the Tajik people having thousand-year history, have no more harmonious and pride names?" – quotes the head of department TASS . Also Shokhmurod attended to a modern tendency when Tajiks change the names and surnames so that cannot be understood, where a name, and where a surname.

the Minister of Justice noted that the amendments offered them will concern only indigenous people. The citizens of other nationalities living in the territory of Tajikistan, can name children according to the traditions.

we Will add p, a little earlier in Tajikistan there took place one more similar reform. It was initiated personally by the president of the country Emomalii Rakhmonov. He suggested to refuse the terminations of surnames alien to Tajiks on "in", "ev" and "ov".

Among other large initiatives of the president of Tajikistan – cancellation of "the last calls" and graduation parties. Besides, according to the proposal of the head of state the International Women's Day began to be noted on March 8 as Day of mother.

Emomali Rakhmonov (Emomali Rakhmon)
Last position: President of the Republic of Tajikistan
Rustam Mengliev (Shokhmurod Rustam)
Last position: Minister (Ministry of Justice of Republic of Tajikistan)