26 people became explosion victims in Pakistan

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ISLAMABAD, on December 30. The number of victims of act of terrorism in the north of Pakistan increased to 26 people, severe wounds were got by 56 people, reports RIA Novosti news agency with reference to the DAWN edition. Some victims in critical condition were sent to br by br to hospital to Peshawar.
the Deputy commissioner of the city of Mardan Imran Sheikh confirmed with br a death toll and added that among seriously wounded there is a 10-year-old girl.

a Terrorist attack was conducted by the suicide bomber who tried to drive on the establishment territory on the motorcycle. After protection did not let it, it rammed gate and put the explosive device which was on it in action.

the Suicide bomber was slightly more senior than 30 years, on it there was a vest with explosive weighing about 8-10 kg reported in police. Responsibility for act of terrorism was assumed by the group "Dzhamat-ul-Akhrar" entering into the Taliban.

Explosion happened on Tuesday at gate of local office of the department which is responsible for registration of citizens and a database at the Ministry of Internal Affairs. At the time of explosion in the building there was staff of the organization. Besides, near the building there were many visitors who came to receive the identity card.