Montenegro received the letter with the invitation to enter NATO

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the Signature under the text was delivered by the secretary general of alliance Jens Stoltenberg


Montenegro received the letter with the invitation to enter NATO, reported the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Podgoritsa. The signature under the text was put by the secretary general of alliance Jens Stoltenberg. It is considered the official invitation. Negotiations on the accession to alliance which some months will last become the following step. After that member states will sign the protocol on the entry of Montenegro in NATO and ratification process will begin.

In the text published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it is noted that Montenegro with full devotion will continue to fulfill the obligations according to the euroatlantic integration program.

at the beginning of December of the Foreign Minister of member countries of alliance invited Montenegro to begin negotiations on the accession to NATO. Moscow after that warned that Podgoritsa risks good-neighbourhood with Russia.