Denmark will withdraw material values from refugees

@Rossijskaja gazeta
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of the Power of Denmark plan to withdraw forcibly from refugees when crossing border material values on account of payment of stay in temporary places of acceptance. On it informed the minister of integration affairs Inger Stoyberg.

"These people have to notice p that the government does not wish to see them in the country", - the politician explained a department initiative.

the Offer of the ministry is under consideration of parliament. Representatives of national and conservative Danish people's party consider that with refugees it is necessary to manage most rigidly. For this purpose the police has to acquire the right of examination of personal belongings for the purpose of withdrawal of money and valuable things, up to wedding rings.

the Danish government is concerned the statement of Sweden for toughening since January 4, 2016 of rules of crossing of border for refugees. Such measures were taken already by the governments of Norway and Finland. In this regard Danes are afraid that the country becomes "the last stop" for all displaced persons in the region.

"If this forecast will come true, Danes will meet great difficulties. In Copenhagen there will be a chaos which we will not be able long to sustain", - Christian Ensen is afraid minindel of Denmark.

In November the parliament of Denmark adopted thirteen amendments to the law on granting a shelter. According to new rules, the police has the right "to short time" to detain the candidate for receiving a shelter for specification of his personality. Besides, the decision to turn out the citizens who have not received residence permit, within seven days, instead of fifteen as it was provided earlier is made, the newspaper Die Presse .