As blackout was reflected in the construction market Republic of Crimea

@Rossijskaja gazeta
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Builders had to break terms of delivery of housing and partially to freeze works. Photo: Yulia Krymova/RG Builders had to break terms of delivery of housing and partially to freeze works. Photo : Krymova Julia / RG the Authorities of Republic of Crimea and the cities Sevastopol before the termination of a mode of an emergency situation disposed to stop all construction works which are conducted at the expense of the general power network on the peninsula. The ban will not concern the buildings equipped with generators. The Ministry of Internal Affairs and inspectorate for construction supervision check building sites regarding observance of the government decree.

In a mode of restrictions

the Stop of construction branch certainly will have an adverse effect on all economy and a social component in the region. Besides because of interruptions in supply of building materials and transition of the republic to the Russian legislative field indicators of branch worsened. So, in nine months 2015 the volume of the housing put into operation in RK made 159,1 thousand square meters that is 62 percent less, than for the similar period of 2014.

is the Most active develops in Simferopol. According to Krymstat, 60 percent are the share of the capital of the republic in a total amount of the works performed on the peninsula. But already since the beginning of December in the city 27 buildings are suspended.

builders understand that the imposed ban - a compulsory measure for disconnected Republic of Crimea, but nevertheless openly say that it will entail additional expenses and, probably, transfer of terms of delivery of objects.

- Construction branch as one of the most power expensive became the first, whose activity rigidly limited from the first days of blackout. All construction companies received the order to stop works, - the director of construction "Grinvuda" Rodionov Vladimir speaks.

- All also stopped. Our company continues those works which can be carried out on own energy - from generators. It is difficult, inconvenient and expensive. But today it is the only opportunity not to stop absolutely, partly to observe production schedules, to keep an employee occupation and payment of their work.

according to developers, diesel generators for the large companies not an exit. But they allow to work in a mode of "weak fire", to support object activity that in present conditions it is the extremely important. The real estate in Republic of Crimea actively is bought by clients from the continent from the moment of accession to Russian Federation.

- All loading not to master

, but to perform works on internal finishing, a facade, improvement due to generated energy it is quite possible, - Rodionov Vladimir speaks. - And here, for example, work of a tower crane requires the superpowerful unit, the contents and which gas station are so expensive that are economically inexpedient.

according to the Sevgosstroynadzor, in the territory Sevastopol 77 objects of capital construction - generally are apartment houses. Not so simply to start the powerful construction equipment on all platforms from generators. It is necessary for one tower crane from 100 to 200 kilowatts of the electric power that is comparable with needs of the five-floor house. On reserve power supplies of such power time and very big money be required.

As the deputy commercial director of PAO "reported website "Rossiyskaya gazeta" to EK "Sevastopolyenergo" Boryagin Ruslan, construction companies also were notified that in the period of an emergency they have to conduct all works at the expense of generators. The authorities were going to carry out an energy audit and to catch violators of a ban, however in practice by it public men were engaged only. So, on one of buildings of Company "Alfa Group Invest" citizens noticed carrying out welding works during light giving on graphics, thus the generator on object was switched off.

- We notified the owner of networks to which houses under construction on General Ostryakov Avenue are attached, 244, on immediate introduction of a mode of restrictions for this object, - Boryagin Ruslan reported. - The instruction has to be executed.


In construction company refused to give comments of website "Rossiyskaya gazeta".

the builders specializing on construction of wooden inhabited objects appeared

the House without sand

In the best situation. It was easier for them to adapt to dark everyday life.

- We passed to generators, some crews should be equipped with the petrolsaws which are not demanding connection to the power supply network, work did not stop, people on leave did not send, - the director general of LLC ADK "B7-Proyekt" Baybakov Oleg speaks. - For work the electric power, but not in such volumes, as is necessary to us at construction of houses from a stone. The authorities promise to resolve until the end of December an issue with electricity to Republic of Crimea, month at this conjuncture we will hold on on generators.

according to builders, there are interruptions in supply of some building materials of the Crimean production - rubble, sand and gravel. The disconnected pits suspended their production.

the Balaklavsky mine administration, as well as other industrial enterprises of the region, works in the conditions of disconnection from the general network of power supply. In this regard production there is temporarily suspended.

- the Enterprise was compelled to pass to a mode of a partial outage. But shipment to consumers of earlier made production from warehouses proceeds. Ways of transition to an operating mode in the conditions of indefinite time of absence of electricity are now studied, - the press secretary of JSC Balaklavskoye RU (production of rubble, a rubble stone, a sandy material) Levandovsky Oleg speaks.

production of the enterprise need not only the Crimean companies, it is necessary for a sroitelstvo of infrastructure objects is first of all the power bridge to Republic of Crimea and the bridge through the Strait of Kerch.

At the same time the president of the Union of builders Republic of Crimea Fedorkin Sergei considers that any

governmental restrictions do not promise

of serious consequences to the construction market.

- All large companies conducting construction works in the republic, can provide the objects with generators, - Fedorkin Sergei speaks. - Probably, in few weeks limits will be lifted. Today where there are additional power sources, people work and get paid .

Housewarming according to the schedule

until the end of 2015 in Republic of Crimea new apartments according to the program of resettlement of residents of have to receive 1,5 thousand people. Also to Yevpatoria construction of the first stage of a multystoried house on 126 apartments according to the "Housing for the Russian Family" program is begun. According to builders if the ban on electric power use from the general network is removed at the end of December, terms of delivery of these social objects will change slightly.

in the conditions of an emergency in Sevastopol prepare for delivery of 30 apartments in the inhabited residential district on Shevchenko Street - according to the resettlement state program from a hazardous dwelling. Recently city commission checked readiness of rooms and charged to correct defects till December 10. The representative of the company builder assured that shutdown of electricity does not become a hindrance when carrying out construction works.

- Despite continuous shutdowns of light our building is provided with alternative - the powerful diesel generator, - the deputy director for construction told LLC "Karbon" Berezhnenko Eugenie. - We work at full capacity to fulfill the obligations.

At office of construction company the correspondent of website "Rossiyskaya gazeta" was told that on construction objects the generators, allowing to work in some changes are installed.


- On Shevchenko Street of work are conducted in full as the object prepares for delivery. It does not make sense to reduce number of crews, amount of works rather big, - the employee of firm noted.

In Kompaniya "InterStroy" also confirmed that construction because of blackout did not interrupt, however could not answer, whether everything objects are equipped with generators.

With inclusion of the first stage of the power bridge Kuban - Republic of Crimea builders became more optimistical to look into the future of

. Some even say that the problem of shortage of energy is already irrelevant. Though the order accepted by a city staff of an emergency, is not cancelled.

- We live in the emergency mode and first of all we solve social problems, - the first vice governor Sevastopol Alexey Eremeev reported website "Rossiyskaya gazeta". - First of all it is necessary to start boiler rooms and to provide the population with the electric power. Buildings in this train of requirements are not of paramount importance. They can provide themselves with diesel generators. But if volumes of delivered energy increase, we will consider a question of allocation of any power by it. After the power blockade beginning the city rallied, many representatives of business help with emergency conditions. The union of builders Sevastopol gave help in search of powerful cranes and tractors for transportation of megawatt generators which weigh from 20 to 30 tons.


Polkovnikova Veronica, head of department of industrial safety Sevastopol:

- From the point of view of the legislation to force the construction organizations not to use the electric power it is impossible. Before works on a building site the company gets permission to connection to power supply networks and signs with the power company. In the conditions of an emergency observance of a ban remains on their conscience, the same as on conscience of household consumers it is necessary not to overload performance of a request a network and to save energy. Existence of generators on each building site does not control management of industrial safety.

website "Rossiyskaya gazeta" - Economy Republic of Crimea No. 6850
Ruslan Boryagin
Last position: Director (LLC "SEVENERGOSBYT")
Krymova Julia
Rodionov Vladimir
Baybakov Oleg
Levandovsky Oleg
Company "Alfa Group Invest"