Polytech.Science.Art Week

@Populjarnaja mehanika
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From December 7 to December 13, 2015 program "Polytech.Science.Art:Наука. Art. Technologies" Polytechnical Museum in partnership with the Museum of Modern Art "Garage" spends the annual international festival week of Polytech.Science.Art Week devoted to interaction of art, science and technologies.

Polytech.Science.Art Week — is workshops, discussions, lectures, displays and audiovisual performances; and also — a program exhibition "Polytech.Science.Art: Science. Art. Technologies" which sums up the results of year. Among participants of Polytech.Science.Art Week - artists, researchers and development technologists both from Russia, and from other countries. to

One of key events of Polytech.Science.Art Week. Yuanna Zilinska (Joanna Zylinska), the artist, the writer, the curator will take part in it, professor of faculty of new media and communication in Goldsmiths, the moderator of a cycle will act as Dmitry Bulatov , one of leading researchers of science-art in Russia. Yuanna Zilinska also will give the public lecture "Bioethics and New Media" on December 9 .

10 and 11 December the Croatian artist Hrva Hirshl (Hrvoj Hirsl) will conduct a workshop "Algorithmic researches" together with the Spanish programmer and the engineer Luís Rodil-Fernández (Louis Rodil-Fernandez). Within a week both of them will act with lectures on the subjects "Geometry Visual and Audialny" and "Critical Approach to Technologies".

will present on December 12 a premiere of performance "Self-organization" - the project started within the cycle Polytech.Science.Art on "Shooter" in the summer of 2015. The initiator "Self-organization" became Olga Kiselyova, the artist, professor and the head of Department of science and art of University of Sorbonne. Performance is realized by Laboratory of interactive performance of Polytechnical Museum (Russia) with the assistance of the media artist and the composer Alexey Epishev and the choreographer Yulia Chekmas.

Every evening Polytech.Science.Art Week will come to the end with audiovisual performances — participation in them will accept both debutants and young authors, and known electronic musicians: Abelle, Gunnar Haslam, Art Crime, "New composers" and many others. Visualization of musical performances will be developed by the Russian video artists directly in времяPolytech.Science.Art Week — on December 8 within a week starts проектAudiovision Lab (curators — Natalja Fuchs and Alexey Shcherbina) with the assistance of one of developers of the vvvv platform of the Julienne Vulye (Julien Vulliet), Aleksandra Gavrilova and Ekaterina Danilova.

the Curator of Polytech.Science.Art Week — Natalja Fuchs , the art critic (History of Media of Art, the Danube University, Austria) and the specialist in management in the culture sphere (Management of cultural projects, University of Manchester, Great Britain), the curator of interdisciplinary projects of Polytechnical Museum and the program "Polytech.Science.Art: Science. Art. Technologies" Polytechnical Museum. Detailed program and schedule