On the horizon — the Islamic Republic Azerbaijan

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<= "fs-article-trigger fs-article-trigger_photo-media article-header __ media" data-id = "191546989"> the View of Baku © Konstantin Hudov

IRA means span class the Islamic Republic Azerbaijan. What improbable this forecast would not seem, I believe that it was necessary to wait for its public declaration not for long. And this with the fact that in my opinion, Azerbaijanians always were rather superstitious people, than deeply religious.

tore down the social equality, the world surrounding them is divided on rich, very rich, superrich — on the one hand, and huge army of poor and growing poor citizens — with another. There is nobody them to relieve of the mass of injustice: they were deprived by works, select houses and lands, children of the poor people which rich contemporaries fatten on the abroad, etc., etc.

are called up for military service only the major precept Is forgotten and thrown out as superfluous — do not steal. Everything while dealers and zavsklady were engaged in theft steal, such it was still possible to suffer, but now it became as though official duties of the persons forming the power, those who is obliged to prevent embezzlement of public funds. Simple nardaranets cannot understand: why for the fish caught by it in the Caspian Sea, (and after all it is charisma! ) it drag in a casemate, and the banker who has stolen billion dollars from state, so, from an our pocket, lives to himself indifferently!

And nobody the explained detail: many go to Syria the whole families. If the guy with the machine gun becomes in ranks of bands that is not bad paid work, it is possible to understand it still somehow. But the husband, the wife and four children — it is small-is small it is great. They that look for in a far-away country and deadly? The better lot, Lord!

or on the Russian North in job searches and safe life it differs From the compatriots who have got over somewhere to Siberia only that in the innocence believes that there he will live in Syria among the same Muslims as it. And his children will grow up the real Muslims. Probably, this flight from itself.
A few years ago I glanced br on a Friday Mohammedan prayer vakhabitov. Me struck not only number of young and quite educated people. They find that cannot offer them the Azerbaijani society in new religion. Other explanation for it simply is not present. Inflow to ranks of the Shiite centers in Gandzha, Geokchaye and other regions of the country is explained by it also.

Among the reasons of expansion of a Shiite area and powerful propaganda influence of IRI. Notice, it amplified considerably after poor segments of the population reached to the neighboring country for medical care. Attracts not only higher qualification of rendered services, but also their low price, not to mention that the cost of drugs in Iran is incomparable with the Azerbaijani. So, two main reasons for Islamic explosion, in my opinion, are closely interconnected with each other — insuperable social crisis — it lasts since the end of the last century — and absence of attractive national ideology.

there is also the third reason. It — in inertness of the state, actually assigned work with a general population to self-appointed mullahs or the preachers who have got a good religious education in the world Islamic centers. Characteristic example — Nardaran, for historically short terms actually turned into a certain Iranian religious enclave near by the Baku megalopolis. Who knows, how many in the country of Wahhabites and their potential supporters? And really believing citizens? And how many among them people with consciousness of educated Islam?

On moods of masses, especially unfortunate part them, ideological installations of the started moving Islamic world cannot but influence. It is force from which you will not hide which cannot be ignored. It can oppose only programs of new social policy on the basis of which the new idea, capable to carry away if not all people then, its new generations can be born only.

the Product of this complex of the reasons are actually organizationally issued, mobilized groups of Wahhabites and the Shiite centers for all republic. They — reality. Also they only wait for one — the Khomeini — the charismatic, strong and charming leader. The one who will call them, no, not on storm of an imperious stronghold, and to ballot boxes. And if secular Azerbaijan could not oppose not so long ago to tongue-tied, narrow Abulfaz Aliyev deprived of charisma, to compete with that whom Muslim masses will name new Khomeini or Mehdi, especially will be unreal. After all on their banners only three words will not be written anything seditious: "The Islamic republic Azerbaijan". The majority of those who is ready to become under these banners, in the same measure Muslims in which there were socialists those who followed preachers of a socialism. But in that there is nothing new …
