The head of the Nazyvayevsky area forced to publish the new charter

Show original On a governmental portal "The Omsk province" to these hangs an ancient document where elections of heads are held by means of elections, instead of deputies of regional council.

the Nazyvayevsky interdistrict prosecutor's office of the Omsk region reacted on a material RIA "Omsk Inform" about elections of the head of the Nazyvayevsky area. Let's remind that on November 11 the head of the area Nikolay Staptsov (-in the center) prolonged em on a photo the term of the powers, however procedure of elections raised big doubts.

In the text of the Charter of the Nazyvayevsky area placed on information portal of the government of the Omsk region "Omsk province", it is specified that the head of the Nazyvayevsky area is elected on municipal elections, instead of deputies of Council of the area.

according to prosecutor's office, in May, 2015 the decision of Council of this munitsipalnogoobrazovaniye made changes to the area Charter regarding an order of election of the head of administration. According to innovations, the citizen is appointed to this position by Council of the Nazyvayevsky area from among the candidates presented by a contest committee. The above decision is registered in Management of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation across the Omsk region on June 23, 2015 and published on the website of the Nazyvayevsky area.

as a result the prosecutor brought representation to the head of administration of the Nazyvayevsky area Nikolay Staptsov with requirements to eliminate these violations.