The former Minister of Agriculture of Buryatia became the head of Gostekhnadzor of the republic

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of Ulan-Ude, on November 30 – Xibingfo. the Position of the chief of the department of Gostekhnadzor of Buryatia will be held by Zhargal Batuyev who was in due time the Minister of Agriculture of the republic.

the Decree about its appointment on Friday were signed by the head of the region Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn . In the text of the document it is spoken:" To appoint Batuyev Zhargal Dabasambuyevich to a position of the public civil service of the Republic of Buryatia of the chief of the department of Gostekhnadzor of the Republic of Buryatia - the chief state inspection engineer of Gostekhnadzor of the Republic of Buryatia with a trial period of 6 months and to sign with it the office contract since November 30, 2015". we Will remind p to

that till 2009 mister Batuyev was the Minister of Agriculture of Buryatia . Then he was appointed the head of representation of the republic in Mongolia, but in 2013 this post conceded to Sergey Budazhapov and continued career in administration of the head of the region.

