The Oryol tumbler toys freaks annoyed residents of Tambov

@Orlovskie novosti
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City administration of Kotovsk of the Tambov region demands to fine one million rubles the Oryol LLC SNRP "Restavratsiya", reports " TV channel "NTV" ". Workmanship of the contract on production of a monument to a legendary toy – a tumbler toy which still make at local plant became a reason for trials.

After installation under the name "Tumbler Toy Evolution" citizens scarified a monument. In their opinion, work is made poor, color is picked incorrectly up, "terrible turned out, any grief and grief, it is terrible to look at them". Besides, the monument already started collapsing, and experts established that the composition is made with numerous violations, reports TV channel "NTV".

From city treasury 1 million rubles was allocated for a monument, but the administration refused to transfer to builders money for bad work. Moreover, the authorities gorod Kotovsk want to collect 1 million rubles from the contractor who caused moral damage to residents. The emergency composition has to be dismantled at the expense of the contractor, the mayor insists.

- The architect persuaded, city heads that there is no money convinced and it is necessary to use the cheapest material. We do of snivels and we want that in three years was in a brilliant look, such does not happen, the head of the Restavration company Yudin Aleksey commented to journalists on a situation.

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