Gosha Kutsenko: "On shootings of "The last cop" I had an opportunity to communicate to the daughter, to understand, what it"

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The fifth channel represents a season TV premiere – film series "Last Cop". The leading role in a multiseries picture was played by cool "anti-killer" and the women's man Gosha Kutsenko. WomanHit.ru asked the actor on his new hero. Gosha Kutsenko on film series "Last Cop" shootings. Photo: materials of the press services.

the Militia captain Alexey Divov recovers after twenty years of stay in a coma. Since 1995 years the world changed. Militia, Grand piano alcohol, vouchers, racket, "roofs", "shooters" and mobsters – in the past. The daughter grew up, and the wife found the new husband. The owner of cowboy's boots, the gun and the rare car undertakes that is able to do better in total to catch criminals, in passing trying to find favourite people after long years of separation.


– Gosha, tell how you worked over creation of the image, what lines of the character shared with Divov?
– I Think, because of similarity of our characters me and invited to this role. It was my first experience of such long occurrence into an image, and during shootings I began to notice that now and I go to lives as in a shot, I put on, I keep hands in pockets, as Divov. I did not feel sorry for the internal resource and a positive for the hero. All film-making changes, and them was about two hundred, I with love treated the character. Lech, by the way, on my feelings, the light and balanced person. I would like to be such, as it. It grow bolder me, certainly, more honestly. More young, a little bit.

– In your opinion, now level of series is comparable to feature films?
– "The last cop" we removed strong as cinema and even among themselves infrequently called the project series. The young advanced children worked at a platform: director Mischa Zhernevsky, operator Petya Neklyudov … Besides, I was lucky with partners – in team brilliant actors gathered. With Rudenko's Little table we became friends on life. Seryozha Udovik who has played the spouse of my ex-wife — the masterly actor! It got the most difficult role of the forensic scientist and as dexterously it with it managed, despite abundance of the text and special terms. Wonderful Natashenka Vdovina, charming Vick Korlyakov …

– At your hero in series on a plot, besides service and investigations, rather stormy private life …
– Yes, to Divov was necessary to face that his wife Lisa whom Natasha Vdovina, any more plays his spouse. It remained one and starts looking for reciprocity. But I will not open a plot. I will tell only that Alexey is in love searches, he has hobbies and novels, but he is not a libertine. For twenty years Divov was on that aspect of life, therefore now he as though other-wordly, touching, sincere. His soul is not perverted, in the relations with women it is similar to a classical suit. For these years there were big changes, the psychology of people exchanged, and it remained with soul of the 25-year-old guy in packing of the 45-year-old person.
In series "Last Cop" Gosha Kutsenko played the militia captain Alexey Divov who recovers after twenty years of stay in a coma. Photo: materials of the press services.

– Private life of "the last cop" is not only novels. Divov has a 20-year-old daughter which growing he did not find. It is played by Polina Kutsenko. What you the father in a shot, we will see soon. And how it was worked with the native daughter on a platform? – I am glad to strong that as my screen daughter Yulya producers saw Polina and chose it from other actresses participating in tests. We have an extreme deficiency of time for communication: I work, she from morning to the night studies in the theatrical. And so though on a platform there was an opportunity to see it, to give what councils, to understand, what it that does. This year strongly changed it. Polinka came to the project the little girl, and now turned into the graceful girl.

– Lech Divov — the character from the 90th with the ideas of life. Tell about the memories of that time?
– Often I remember strong these years. Honest there was time, with smack of euphoria. We lived desperately. On the one hand, the 90th – my youth, with another – years of disintegration of the country in which I was born. But because my hormonal background corresponded to the happiest age, historical shocks for me were leveled, I be more senior, would worry more difficultly.

– When in the first series the friend gives p Lech mobile, that, being surprised, jokes: "Plastid? " And you remember the first cellular?
– I Remember strong, bought "brick". How it was called? The road was, all money for it gave. In "The last cop", by the way, in several series the subject of mobile, various gadgets, modern equipment with which my hero was never familiar is perfectly beaten... I in the 90th did not wear, of course, a crimson jacket, but I had it. Wanted even it to insert into our series. Offered that at Divov the soldering iron and the iron was stored in a luggage carrier of the car, but we went on other way.

– In "The last cop" an important role is played by music, in particular, Victor Tsoi's songs. Divov loves fate. As far as music is important for you in life?
– my music is a territory of fun, it is similar to theater because I generally play comedies on stage. I am keen on music, likely, even more, than cinema. In our GK group we with guys play a dance music, we do not load people though, in principle, everything began with alternative. Therefore I can jerk and sad songs. There is in repertoire and Tsoi «cover version a Star by the name of the Sun", "The last hero". I not that that the admirer of a retro, but from the past sincerely love many musical things. This and my happy past.

– Many projects with your participation become long-livers. How you think, whether there will be the same to "The last cop"?
– Certainly! "The last cop" got now, to series about modern life. And the subject of cops, the detective is eternally actual. The viewer wants a celebration of the truth, justice. At least on the screen. And here time — and we! If the viewer accepts our game, continuation will follow why would be not present?

Yulia Malinina

Youri Kutsenko (Gosha Kutsenko)
Last position: Actor (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Theater named after Mossoveta")
Divov Aleksey
Zhernevsky Mikhail