The look culture suggests to choose Maxim Matveev's best movie parts

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Today in the project" the Look culture " readers can remember movie parts of Maxim Matveev – one more pupil of the Saratov drama school.

In last release of the project by the most favourite works of Sergey Puskepalis at cinema readers of Vzglyad-info news agency called by p its leading roles in the drama "As I Carried Out This Summer", series "Shout of an Owl" and the movie accident "Subway".

Maxim Matveev was born p in the Kaliningrad region, and in Saratov he studied. Also studied well. Graduated from school with a silver medal, dreamed of medicine. But, as the legend says, on regional to a ball of medallists it was noticed by the theatrical teacher. Maxim accepted at once on the second year of theatrical faculty of Saratov Conservatory. As well as Evgeny Mironov , it got to professor Valentina Ermakova – only for sixteen years later. Maxim Matveev became the last favourite pupil of the national actress of the USSR.

Matveev's Theatrical career proceeded at Oleg Tabakov's , in Moscow Art Theatre and the Snuffbox. And the director Valery Todorovsky became the godfather of the young actor at cinema: in his sensational "Dandies" and less known youth drama "Vice" Maxim played the first roles.

Today the 33-year-old actor is known to general public not only a marriage on to Elizabeth Boyarskaya , but first of all numerous and most versatile professional works. Among three tens roles of Maxim Matveev at cinema and on television – the photographer in series on to Boris Akunin "Pelagia and a white bulldog", the American counterspy in "Yalta-45", the maniac, he is the actor of the operetta in "Mosgas", the finance director, he is a murderer in "Week-end", at last, Nikolay Stavrogin in 4-serial "Demons" of Vladimir Hotinenko according to Dostoyevsky's novel.

Maxim Matveev came To Saratov on book presentation about Valentina Ermakova, on a scene of drama theater played a leading role in performance of Moscow Art Theatre "Devil" and, of course, visited children's hospital – as the board member of Doctor Kloun charity foundation.

Recently there passed information that Karen Shakhnazarov's saw it Vronsky in "Anna Karenina's" new version (and Elizabeth Boyarskaya – Anna). Shootings only begin.

to Remember the brightest movie parts Maxim Matveev's and to vote what of them to you was especially remembered – is possible on the project page to " the Look culture " to .

Maxime Aleksandrovich Matveev
Last position: Actor (Mkhat named after A. P. Chekhova)
Sergei Vitauto Puskepalis
Main activity:Show business personality
Valery Petrovich Todorovsky
Last position: Film director, screenwriter, film producer
Elizabeth Boyarskaya
Last position: Actress
Vladimir Ivanovich Khotinenko
Last position: Teacher of Director's faculty of NOU "The High Courses of Screenwriters and Directors" (NON-GOVERNMENTAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION "VKSR")