Why in Kazan look for "a code of Tatars"?

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As it became known "Online BUSINESS", in KFU started large-scale research which on the basis of the analysis of 3 thousand tests of DNA will allow to give the exact answer to a question, modern Tatars from where undertook. Scientists say that results also will help to develop more effective for representatives of ethnos of medicine, however do not deny that their work "in hands of villains" can be used and to the detriment. In the World congress of Tatars meanwhile are afraid of speculation from nationalists.

The rector of KFU Ilshat Gafurov (at the left) presented to the state adviser of RT Mintimer Shaimiev (in the center) the project of obtaining the detailed characteristic of a gene pool of Tatars (on the right - the organizer of the project, the corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the adviser to the rector of KFU Vadim Govorun)
the Rector of KFU Ilshat Gafurov (at the left) presented to the state adviser of RT Mintimer Shaimiev (in the center) the project of obtaining the detailed characteristic of a gene pool of Tatars (on the right — the organizer of the project, the corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vadim Govorun)


"Online BUSINESS" was em available the curious document — the description of the project which is realized on the basis of KFU: "The analysis ekzomov the ethnic groups living in the territory of Russia, for determination of features of a gene pool of Tatars in connection with their origin". Among participants of the project which started in August — 18 geneticists, biologists, historians, ethnographers. At the head of undertaking — the adviser to the rector of KFU, the deputy director of the Moscow scientific research institute of physical and chemical medicine of Federal Medical Biological Agency Vadim Govorun . It as reported sources "Online BUSINESS", possessed idea of research of a gene pool of Tatars.

From the scientific point of view anything supernatural in the project is not present p. The first attempts to investigate a genome of the different people were made in the USSR in the 30th years. However then the genetics was declared by "the selling maid of imperialism", it was necessary to forget about further works. In the West genotype research "separate populations" long ago, from the 70th, turned into profitable business. And in Russia since zero years numerous laboratories offer services in research of genes, including to individuals — for example, definitions of genetic diseases or predisposition to them. The sekvenirovaniye ekzoma (the ekzy — informative part of a genome) is for this purpose carried out: it is the test for definition of genetic damages (mutations) in DNA — the reasons of hereditary diseases.


However research of a genome bears "0" cellpadding not only medical loading, but also historical, and is frequent with a political shade. In the middle of the 2000th genetics conducted large-scale research of the population of the Russian nationality. The monograph "The Russian Gene Pool on East European Plain" became result. One of her authors — the Head of Laboratory of genomic geography of Institute of the general genetics of Vavilov of the Russian Academy of Sciences Oleg Balanovsky — among curators of the KFU project.

Oleg Белановский

Публикация results of research in 2008 put on a lot of noise. In particular one of conclusions: "Despite ordinary opinions on strong Tatar and Mongolian impurity in the blood of the Russians which has got to their ancestors still at the time of the tataro-Mongolian invasion, gaplogruppy the Turkic people and other Asian ethnoses practically did not leave a trace on the population of modern northwest, central and southern regions". It gave a reason for numerous speculation about "thoroughbred Russians" and about falsity of a saying "Scratch the Russian — you will find the Tatar".

Meanwhile Belanovsky on the basis of rather few samples of DNA of modern Tatars studied then approved by p the absolutely opposite: "Even on the shape Tatars of the Volga region are more similar to Europeans, than to Mongols. Differences of the Russian gene pool (almost completely European) from Mongolian (almost completely Central Asian) are really great — it as though two different worlds. But if to speak not about Mongols, and about Tatars with whom most often and the Russian principalities, differences of their gene pool from Russian not such and big dealt — he in interview " to Komsomolskaya Pravda". — The Tatar gene pool is perhaps even more difficult and more interesting than Russian, we already started it studying... In it there is, of course, a share of the Mongoloid gene pool which has come from Central Asia. But still big share of the same Finno-Ugric. That population that lived on these lands to Slavs and Tatars. As Slavs assimilated the western Finno-Ugric tribes as ancestors of Tatars, and the Bashkir assimilated Chuvashs east finno-ugrov. So distinctions between the Russian and Tatar gene pool though are, they not so enormous — Russian completely European, and Tatar — mostly European. It, by the way, complicates our work — small distinctions more difficult to measure".

of to increase, press


of Similar full-scale research of Tatars still it was not conducted. What aims are pursued by ideologists of the project? In the document it is specified: "Obtaining the detailed characteristic of a gene pool of Tatars on the basis of data on variability ekzoma for studying of ethnic history, possible action of natural selection and search of the significant ethnoassociated medical markers for the purpose of improvement of existing diagnostic algorithms and optimization of medicinal therapy". In other words, it is necessary to find out in details not only the one who such Tatars and from where they undertook but also as it is better to treat them, what drugs for them are more effective.

of to increase, press

In addition, creation of the genogeografichesky atlas "Gene pool of Tatars", formation of bank of biological samples of inhabitants of Tatarstan, specification of a question of communication of history of various groups of Tatars with their features have to become result of research. Following the results of the public will provide analytics on the subject "Modern Ideas of an Origin of the Tatar People, Its Internal Structure and Variety".

in the course of work is supposed to investigate samples of DNA of so-called Kazan Tatars (the northwest, the center and the East of Tatarstan), mishar (Zavolzhye and Zakamye), the Astrakhan, Siberian and Crimean Tatars — only about 3 thousand tests.

one of curators of research told to p About some details of the Online BUSINESS project and about how the first president of RT Mintimer Shaimiev treated it, — the head of the department of genetics of KFU, the head of the laboratory of molecular bases patogeneza Vladislav Chernov.

Vladislav Chernov
Vladislav Chernov: "Under it [program] we received financing of 160 million rubles on two годà»

— Vladislav Moiseevich when there was an idea of the project?

— the Project started being discussed by strong in 2013 when on the basis of KFU the interdisciplinary center of proteomny and genomic researches was created. Then there was an idea to investigate a gene pool of the ethnic groups living in the territory of the region which was offered by the adviser to the rector of KFU, the corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the deputy director of scientific research institute of physical and chemical medicine Vadim Markovic Govorun.

Vadim Markovic's Efforts in scientific research institute of physical and chemical medicine created conditions for carrying out researches of proteins and nucleinic acids, including definition of nukleotidny sequence of DNA of genomes (sequencing) of different organisms. He suggested to create the center of post-genomic researches at university. The Kazan federal university became the winner of open competition on receiving the state support of leading universities for increase of their competitiveness among the leading world scientific and educational centers and received federal financing on realization of scientific researches. It gave the chance to acquire the modern expensive equipment, allowing to identify proteins and genes, and also to carry out a full-genomic sekvenirovaniye. In August of the current year the project started.

the Unique equipment providing possibility of carrying out researches of biological objects on modern уровне

— As far as the project expensive and from what sources is financed by of ?

of funds From the means allocated by KFU on the program of increase of competitiveness, and at the expense of the federal target program on development of the interdisciplinary center in the field of cellular, genomic and post-genomic researches. Under it we received financing of 160 million rubles for two years. On means from the specified sources the unique equipment providing possibility of carrying out researches of biological objects at modern level is acquired. .

However the basic that it is necessary to fill up constantly — is expensive reactants, expendables. Research of one sample costs 600 - 800 dollars. For full research it is necessary to analyse 3 thousand tests. So it is possible to make approximate calculation ( of 1,8 - 2,4 million dollars — edition ). Approximate because we hope for reduction in cost of cost of the project due to wholesale purchases and import substitution. In August we submitted the project to the adviser to the president of RT Mintimer Shaimiev. It supported this program.

— whether there are already first results?

— Yes, we already sekvenirovali tens samples of DNA, now there is a data processing. However the project, I will repeat, assumes the analysis of 3 thousand samples. Careful and numerous comparisons of samples of one ethnogroup with others are necessary for determination of genetic features of population. In this regard we should investigate samples of DNA and all people adjacent to Tatarstan: Chuvashs, Udmurts, mordvy... In addition, samples of DNA of representatives of the Russian nationality living outside the region will be analysed.

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of on the basis of the analysis of 3 thousand tests of DNA scientific KFU will be able to give to
the exact answer to a question, from where undertook modern татары

— A where take DNA samples?

— Now at our disposal 2 thousand tests. One of project managers — the head of the laboratory genomic geography of Institute of the general genetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences professor Oleg Balanovsky is engaged in a genogeografiya, it has a DNA unique collection, including 2 thousand samples which are of interest from the point of view of the project. In the spring of 2016 expeditions for collecting a missing material are assumed.

— did not plan to investigate a genome of the Tatars living abroad?

— it is probable, it will be the following project.

— When can expect final results of researches?

— Researches we plan to finish strong in two years, to the 2018th we hope to present results of the public.

of to increase, press

— What there can be a practical application of the obtained data?

— Results of research are closely connected by strong with development of the personalized medicine assuming use of data of a personal genome of the patient. In this regard data of the project represent considerable interest for clinical physicians. For one person flu — an easy indisposition, for another — the state demanding emergency medical service, and at the third — the heaviest form of an infection with a lethal outcome. Similar situation in case of medicines. The same medicine affects different patients differently. The factors defining it, are considerably put at genetic level. According to an ekzomny sekvenirovaniye it is possible to define, what medicine at such combination of genes effectively and what, on the contrary, will do harm. Selection of medicines on the basis of the genome analysis — this one. The second — by results of the analysis of a genome can be defined predisposition of this individual to these or those diseases.

Certainly, the question of nature of use of such information assumes serious study, including legal. Whether all want to know about the potential risks of development of a serious illness? One, having learned about predisposition to this or that disease, can be mobilized and change a way of life, and others will be depressed, possibility of an illness becomes reality, and the third at all will not sustain freight of this knowledge.

— whether Besides medicine still?

— In the Scandinavian countries the genetic analysis is applied by strong to narrowing of a circle of suspects due to definition of ethnoterritorial accessory of the alleged offender. The appropriate technology can be adopted and law enforcement agencies of our country.

of to increase, press

— As far as your researches from a position of so-called self-identification of the separate nation can be significant? After all this subject received recently great popularity...

— Knowledge of features an origin of ethnoses we welcome strong. And if from a position that we "very best", it not about our project.

— whether there are no fears, what results of researches can use in political goals?

— Such fears are always — almost any good idea can be blackened. We organized this project only in the scientific purposes — for research of genetic aspects of ethnogeographical groups and addition of that information which historians and ethnographers possess. There are different hypotheses of an origin of this or that ethnos, based on features of language, culture, mythology. Our data "are more material" because genomes of organisms contain information, allowing to reconstruct their evolution.

— And your researches can be applicable, we will tell so, not in the peace purposes?

— Almost all scientific works can be used by strong to the detriment of mankind if fall into hands of villains.


of the Colleague of the Kazan scientists as a whole confirm the scientific value of research. "It is a question of reading of all ekzoma the person: in simple terms, it is part of a genome which codes all proteins and organism enzymes" — told "Online BUSINESS" the head of the laboratory of evolutionary genomics of Institute of biochemistry and genetics of the Ufa Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center Bayazit Yunusbayev . According to the scientist, it will allow to receive "a mutational portrait" the region population. "It is the large-scale and extremely actual project — Yunusbayev continues. — The matter is that we will enter sooner or later an era of the so-called personified medicine. It is medicine which will be based on knowledge of a genome of each certain individual. I think, nobody should explain, how important to know, what violations are put in our genome. It is opportunity to receive, for example, early diagnostics, in certain cases — to reveal violation at molecular level and precisely to pick up the necessary treatment for this patient".


according to the scientist, the population of any region has the history of formation of a gene pool, so, the features of distribution of mutations. The Kazan project will allow to gain the knowledge applicable for the population of Tatarstan, and, thus, to substantiate future biomedical researches and development. "Certainly, researches of a genome of the person are conducted and in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Ufa, but the scale of the project and other related biomedical undertakings of the Kazan university, in my opinion, put Tatarstan in leaders" — the geneticist concluded.

the Geneticist, the corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Evgeny Lilyin spoke in more skeptical key: "Certainly, in Russia such researches were conducted earlier. It is science which exists since the end of the 70th years and is called farmakogenetiky, that is studies feature of a structure and existence of these or those genes which allow or do not allow to use certain information. So anything new at the Kazan federal university are not going to do. They simply want to study a question in more detail". Nevertheless professor is sure that such researches matter: "For example, the vast majority of inhabitants of the Mediterranean, including Azerbaijanians, Italians and so on, has no one gene controlling production of a certain enzyme. So the Kazan scientists simply will profoundly study our fraternal people... Certainly, it is worth doing it, there is nothing when to do" — Lilyin a little sarcastically summarized.

Raphael Hakimov: "Such researches are useful from the point of view of historical and генеалогическоé»


However good undertakings of scientists can be used for political speculation — in game on strings of national consciousness. It is not excluded by the vice-president of AN of RT, the director of Institute of history of Mardzhani AHN of RT Raphael Hakimov . It reminded "Online BUSINESS", than similar researches in the next Bashkortostan ended: "Bashkirs conducted such researches. But they politized them to impossibility, to a disgrace. They suddenly declared that such ethnos as Tatars, does not exist at all, there are only Bashkirs! Here such conclusions were drawn on the basis of researches".

Hakimov told that recently at institute there took place conference on genetic methods of research in historical science. To avoid pseudo-scientific interpretation and excessive "electrization" round this subject, conference made closed for the press. However, it does not deny that it is possible to benefit from similar researches: "If with us share researches, of course, it will be interesting to us to find some sheaves, let us assume, in a family tree, especially if documents are lost. Such researches are useful from the point of view of historical and genealogical". Hakimov added that itself already for the third time sent samples of the DNA to laboratory to Houston as there and "cheaper, and the technique" is already fulfilled.

Rinat Zakirov:
Rinat Zakirov: "Such researches can be, but they have to remain only within science: there are fears that someone can use results of work to oppose one people другомó»

Председатель executive committee of the World congress of Tatars Rinat Zakirov in conversation with the correspondent "Online BUSINESS" declared that would beware widely to publish results of such researches: "Publicly to expose results of such researches counting on that they will help with treatment of the whole people... I am skeptical about it. Yes, such researches can be, but they have to remain only within science: there are fears that someone can use results of work to oppose one people to another. Remember the census period when tried "to dismember" us on corners, on territories? I would like to examine results of the Kazan researches? No, after all already there are researches world, regularity of development of humanity, a genome is well-known. And if there are attempts something to receive from researches in the national plan... I believe that at least it is unpromising".

"For such scientific researches need to show consideration very much and carefully, especially for in what ideological plane results will be presented — the vice-president of AN of RT Vadim Homenko warned. — There are things purely scientific, and they should be welcomed only, and there are what get to the political plane, can serve as the soil for political speculation. After all we know examples when such results were directed on researches of opportunities of intellectual development of the different people". According to Homenko, for each ethnos it is very important to define the birthplace of his ancestors, genetic relationship, after all "it is normal scientific search on the basis of natural "tag" in the form of DNA". However, as the vice-president of AN of RT believes, in science it is important not to step over that line when one people will start being opposed to another.

Elena Fadeyeva , Vladimir Kazantsev , Elvira Vildanova of a photo: Maxim Timofeyev of video: Maxim Timofeyev Photo: kpfu.ru

by you consider genetic researches of separate ethnoses dangerous? (09.11.15)
Even if we everything will not investigate it, our ill-wishers %26nbsp
This necessary business – both for historians, and for medicine %26nbsp
These data can be used in games of politics %26nbsp
Such researches – useless expenditure of money %26nbsp
I am afraid, as though on this basis did not create the gene weapon %26nbsp
