Moscow "drives the plan" on deportation of Tajiks, - B. Bubenets

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Moscow "drives the plan" on deportation таджиков

Правоохранительные bodies of Russia are ready to be ready to do anything to implement the plan put by the administration. Judging by mass deportation of citizens of Tadzhikinstan for the last weeks, now there is a campaign against migrants from this country.

According to messages "Russian newspaper", official governmental body, for the last days only in the southwest of Moscow is detained more than 500 "foreign citizens". Such mass detentions pass within the operation "Migrant-2015". In General Directorate of Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow to us could not call exact data on number of detainees and the reasons of carrying out this operation. ***

Registration, the patent for work, the monthly check for 4000 rubles – Alisher Alyamov shows to

all from the list of necessary documents for legal stay in the territory of Russia. It and his brother 10 years work here. All this time taxes regularly pay and keep all necessary documents in an order, however the brother Alisher was detained a few days ago by the Russian law enforcement agencies, took away all documents, wrote out a penalty and plan to deport.

"The first judge was normal, told: you in vain brought, everything is normal at it with documents. And these militiamen called somewhere, among themselves talked and found the judge any another - the man. It did not leave at all the office. And everything, judged, told, you deport, we will go to the special receiver", – Alisher Alyamov told.

according to the vice-president of Federation of migrants of Russia Karomat Sharipov, chances that leave the brother Alisher in Moscow, practically not.

"At all people is documents, it is enough of them, they confirm their lawful stay in the territory of the Russian state, but we see that occurs: without lawyer, without judge, without participation of the employer, without participation of human rights organizations of people bring to court, at all do not ask, and many at all did not see the judge in eyes", – the vice-president of Federation of migrants of Russia Karomat Sharipov speaks.

in Karomat Sharipov's reception come in hope to restore Every day tens victims justice. For the last week from Moscow and the Moscow region more than 1500 citizens of Tajikistan were deported. Such mass exclusion of migrants, most likely, is connected with the next campaign of law enforcement agencies which have to implement a certain plan, the human rights activist Svetlana Gannushkina considers.

"That is, is awful system when crimes are planned and disclosure of crimes of a certain look is required and then under distribution there are everything irrespective of, there are at them documents or not", – the chairman of committee of the help to refugees "Civil assistance" Svetlana Gannushkina considers.


the Correspondent of NV addressed for kommentariky in the Municipal Department of Internal Affairs of Moscow.

"I have no right to give official comments. Gives their our management, and whenever possible – the operations duty officer. But on this [question] – only our management. But while I have no official information", – the assistant of information directorate of GU Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on Moscow Elena Elgina declared in NV interview.

of 27.10.2015