The governor demanded to take under special control higher education institutions and other educational institutions in the region

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<= onclick "" = "return hs.expand (this)"> the Governor Vladimir Vladimirov held meeting of regional council for questions of the interethnic relations. Opening discussion, the head of the region noted that today the North Caucasus faces new calls which demand close interaction of the power and the public on an international and interfaith field. Due to the situation in the Middle East and attempts made from abroad to destabilize a situation in regions of Russia, Vladimir Vladimirov emphasized that the attractive environment for propagandists of extremism is the youth. He demanded to take under special control higher education institutions and other educational institutions in the region, including the senior classes of schools.
– We have to play br in the multinational youth environment on an advancing, look for with it common language, fix traditional cultural values and authority of seniors. In this work participation of national and cultural autonomies, elders, religious leaders is very important, – the head of the region told.

As sounded, the Government of edge will continue to give support to the public associations which activity helps to strengthen the tolerant international and interfaith environment with the region. In the current year in the budget of Stavropol Territory target subsidies for 5 national and cultural associations conducting such work are provided. This mechanism of support is planned to keep and next year. Besides, Vladimir Vladimirov reported, work with public associations of edge will be taken under special control at the level of the regional Government.

As sounded, Stavropol Territory already participates in development of Russian "road map" of development of non-profit organizations (NPOs). For edge this area of work is strategic. Vladimir Vladimirov accented that today in the region slightly less than three thousand NPOs, about 500 of them – religious sense are registered. He emphasized need of carrying out their monitoring, support systematization. It has to promote forming of full cooperation with socially responsible organizations, and also suppression of attempts of use of NPO for destabilizing influence in the region.
the main report on the prevention of conflict situations in the sphere ethnoconfessional the relations to Stavropol Territory was made by the chairman of regional committee on affairs of nationalities and the Cossacks Alexander Pisarenko. Other reports, information on activity of national and cultural autonomies were heard.
Following the results of discussion delivered a number of tasks, in particular, on work improvement with youth. So, the decision to enter into educational process of higher education institutions and the senior classes of schools of a course of lectures directed on increase of legal literacy and responsibility of young people at communication on social networks is made.

considered ways of adaptation of young people from the neighboring regions coming to Stavropol Territory for study. Some other problems of harmonization of the interethnic relations and strengthening of social stability is discussed.