In five years "Farma 2020" the output of drugs increased twice

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 Photo: Sergey Mikheev/rg Photo : Sergey Mikheev/rg the economic sanctions Entered by the West once again validated a course on replacement of import drugs and the medical products, taken in 2011. Then the federal target program for development of medical and pharmaceutical industry ("Farm 2020") was accepted in which there were accurately definite purposes on import substitution: by 2020 the share of production of a domestic production in the total amount of consumption has to grow to 50 percent in terms of money. After decrees of the president of May 7, 2012 the government concretized a task, having approved two lists of strategically significant preparations according to which the share of domestic drugs has to make 90 percent by 2018.

Now, according to the deputy minister of the industry and trade Sergey Tsyba, from 608 imported medicines included in the list of vital and most important, in Russia 68 percent are made already 413, or. According to the program of import substitution 130 more projects on development of preparations are realized. As a whole in five years of action of the program "Farm 2020" the output of drugs in Russia increased twice.

Good results accept cluster policy of development of the pharmaceutical and medical industry. They are created already in ten regions, and in them the new enterprises and laboratories are under construction, modern technologies on production of drugs are transferred, shots for branch prepare.

- Already today the share of the Russian preparations in packings comes nearer to 60% on the market as a whole, and in some segments even it is more, - the director of Institute of economy of health care of NIU "Higher School of Economics" Larissa Popovic speaks. - But in terms of money it is only 26 percent, as the Russian preparations cheap.

One more direction of import substitution is localization of productions of the foreign companies in our country. Its forms are various: construction of the enterprises, acquisition already existing for the purpose of their updating, a contract manufacturing with a transfer of advanced technologies, transfer of rights of intellectual property, the R%26D projects (Research and Development - research and developmental works, research and development. - Edition) . Incentive for this process are preferences to local producers - if drugs are delivered for the state needs, their price at the auction can be 15 percent higher, than at import analogs. by

Today domestic the medicine packaged and packed in the territory of Russia is considered p. But since January, 2016 the preparation of a full cycle that is for which in Russia substance is made also will be considered as that only. And preferences will provide to local producers depending on extent of localization, instead of in the form of uniform 15 percent. According to marketing agency DSM Group, from 430 foreign pharmaceutical companies presented in our country, a full cycle of production (while without substance synthesis) localized a little more than 20, about 50 more mastered process of packing of production. Now in Russia the enterprises of such international pharmaceutical companies, KRKA, Servier, STADA, "Polfarm", "Sanofi", "Nikomed" work. At different stages of construction there are enterprises of the companies "Novartis", "Astrazeneka", "Berlin-Hemi", "Novonordisk".

Recently the Public opinion Fund conducted survey of Russians about the relation to import substitution. Whether the Russian industry is capable of a question "In the next years completely to provide the country population with qualitative drugs?" positively 64 percent of respondents answered. Share of those who considers that import substitution of drugs does not need to be carried out at all, it was very small - only 4 percent.

Not less ambitious plans were published by Minpromtorg of Russia and concerning import substitution of medical products. By 2020 it is planned to reduce dependence on import of various auxiliary accessories, such as cotton wool (from 39 to 30 percent), surgical gloves (from 95 to 60), catheters (from 96 to 35), surgical tools and plaster (from 38 to 30 percent). Production of difficult artificial limbs is planned to raise so that instead of 90 percent bought on import, their number decreased to 24-55 percent - depending on a look.

the Market of computer tomographs in the Russian Federation by 2018 only for 12 percent will consist of import devices - against 55 percent in 2014. And magnetic and resonant tomographs the country will buy only a half instead of 95 percent, as last year. Considerably production of the domestic x-ray equipment will grow also - on import only 9-12 percent instead of 30-56 will be bought, and also electrocardiographs - they will be imported by only 10 percent instead of 64. Besides, the measures replacing import, and concerning disinfectants, refrigerators, thermometers, syringes and many other products are provided. Achievement of these purposes will be promoted by the decision of the government to limit access to the foreign companies to the auction by a state order if similar production is offered by two and more producers from the countries of the Customs Union whom in professional community nicknamed "third wheel". In total more than 150 names of medical products are entered in the list on import substitution.

- In recent years in our country created quite good base for production of modern equipment, qualified personnel is prepared, - the member of presidium of the All-Russian public organization of small and average business "the SUPPORT of Russia", the chairman of the board of directors of the Medical Technologies company Anatoly Dabagov speaks. - Experts will use the best efforts to implement plans for import substitution of medical equipment for domestic health care.

" the Russian newspaper" - Special issue "Import substitution" No. 7000
Anatoly Dabagov
Last position: President (Group of companies "Meditsinskiye tekhnologii")
Larissa Popovich
Sergei Tsyb
Main activity:Official
Mikheev Sergei