Guilty of death of "Locomotive" thanked victims for sympathy

@Rossijskaja gazeta
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The Yaroslavl district court sentenced the former deputy general director on the organization of flight work of Jac Service airline Vadim Timofeyev to five years of a colony settlement and right there released on amnesty. Relatives of the lost hockey players, eight months visiting court sessions, waited for this sentence, without exaggeration, with alarm. Neutrally adjusted at the beginning of process, by its end they frankly sympathized with the person on a dock. And directly said that are disappointed with results of preliminary investigation which, in their opinion, did not shed light on the causes of accident.

As the majority of the witnesses interrogated in court conclusions called big in question POPPY that Yak-42 with an ice-hockey team broke because of inadvertent sinking of brake pedals someone from crew members, and experts of SKR practically repeated these conclusions, sometimes even word for word, injured two times made the petition for return of criminal case on additional investigation, and during debate asked not to deprive Timofeyev of freedom. Though state charge demanded for it six years in a colony settlement.

However the court drew a conclusion that preliminary investigation correctly qualified actions of the defendant as regards 3 articles 263 as violation of the rules of traffic safety and operation of air transport. Violations, according to court, were expressed that Timofeyev who was answering in the company for the organization of flight work and being responsible for maintenance of qualification of an aircrew, allowed to flights of the commander of the aircraft which has not undergone qualification testing by the pilot-instructor, and the second pilot at all did not finish retraining on type of the Yak-42 plane and had no right to sit down at a steering wheel. Besides, the crew had no joint training on the exercise machine that as a result led to a mismatch of its actions during tragic take-off from the Tunoshna airport.

the court and that the plane long could not fly up because of inadvertent sinking of brake pedals someone from crew members Agrees. According to the judge Vyacheslav Vostrikov to call in question conclusions of experts there are no bases. The only thing in what the court did not agree with preliminary investigation, - an assessment of quality of existing training training of pilots. Based on indications of witnesses, the judge drew a conclusion that on the outdated exercise machine used in the educational and training center where the lost pilots prepared, it is impossible to fulfill crew actions in the conditions of wind or dumping shift. And exercise machines which would give such opportunity, in the country simply are not present today.

as a result the court found Vadim Timofeyev guilty of violation of the rules of traffic safety and operation of air transport and sentenced to five years of imprisonment in a colony settlement. However the condemned was right there exempted from punishment on the amnesty declared in honor of the 70 anniversary of the Victory. In satisfaction of the claims made by the owner of the plane - GKNPTs of a name of Khrunichev (17, 6 million rubles), and also court refused to HK "Locomotive" (three million), motivating it with that the property was insured.

of Mother of the lost hockey players admitted that are satisfied with a sentence.

- are not happy - so to speak it is impossible, than here it is possible to be happy, but are satisfied because the person did not deprive of freedom, - Lyubov Vasyunova explained.

according to women, Timofeyev simply "appointed" guilty because someone has to be responsible for death of such number of people.

the defendant admitted that sustained many months trial only thanks to support of those who had to accuse and brand it, on the contrary.

- If not attention and support of victims, I could not pass this way, - he told. - Thank them for that at such grief of their heart did not become hardened. These are the real Russians of mother who are able to understand and forgive. Low to them bow.

Vadim Timofeyev is not going to Appeal against sentence. Whether it will do state charge while it is not known. According to the Deputy Yaroslavl transport prosecutor Elena Ronzhina, they will make the decision within ten days. we Will remind p to

, the criminal case considered in Yaroslavl was allocated in separate production from so-called main case which is still investigated still by SKR.

Vyacheslav Vostrikov
Last position: Chairman (District court of Yaroslavl city of the Yaroslavl region)
Timofeev Vadim
Vasyunova Lyubov
Ronzhina Helena