The new album Slayer showed: nothing will prevent group to do hits

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 Photo: Vladimir Astapkovich/of RIA Novosti news agency Photo : Vladimir Astapkovich/ RIA Novosti news agency the Greatest group in the history a trash - threw Slayer thundered for the whole world with a new album Repentless.

After Jeff Hanneman's death many believed that Slayer will be any more that without permanent guitarist of group. And when it became known that left it the legendary drummer Dave Lombardo with which name the most successful albums of collective are connected, fears amplified.

But Repentless should disappointed with p, and showed: even without Hangniemang to the place of whom Gary Holt from Exodus was taken, already known on concerts as a part of Slayer, headliners American (and, perhaps, world) trash scenes are capable to write down a thing which is worthy to enter into gold fund of a genre. It is known, however, that Holt did not write a material - him trained with Lombardo and Hangniemang which authorship possesses the song Piano Wire, and the main parts for two were performed by tireless Kerri King, the perpetual motion machine of group.

As for Lombardo's next leaving, in indispensability of the drummer, at all its obvious advantages, doubts arose earlier: Paul Bostaf who has again joined team participated earlier in record of several works, and bad among them is not present - but there is a couple of the outstanding.

Twelve new songs Slayer are sung by p in the best traditions of late works of group with a little modernized sounding and load with furious energy not worse than the previous plates.

the effect Had by new tracks is so stunning that there is a feeling: King will suffice yet on one ten such powerful hits with for a long time clinging reeves. And Tom Araya who earlier had serious problems with health, judging by record, again in an excellent form to what its vocal obviously testifies.

Old kind Slayer returned with new portion of sound ultraviolence which already applies for becoming one of the main events of this year in the world threw. All another need to listen enviously only and delightfully to snap language. Now it is obvious: to this group to prevent to write down an outstanding material anything cannot prevent, probably.

Astapkovich Vladimir
King Kerry
Bostaf Paul
Kholt Gary