Paralimpitsu Pistorius will not have enough money for lawyers for new court
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photo the South African Paralympian Oscar Pistorius condemned for involuntary manslaughter of the girlfriend Riva Stenkamp, has no financial opportunities on fee of lawyers for appeal consideration on a sentence. The lawyer reported about it the athlete Barry Ra in the documents filed to the Supreme appellate court of the Republic of South Africa, transfers TASS .

Earlier court of the Republic of South Africa Stenkamp found Pistorius guilty of unintentional murder. As a result the Paralympian was sentenced to five years of imprisonment.

However the prosecutor's office still demands to retrain charge article with inadvertent on a premeditated murder for which it is necessary the minimum term in 15 years.


of Ru declared that during the first process all facts of the case were studied. The lawyer is afraid that during new trial "reliability and truthfulness of indications of witnesses can be compromised". In case the Supreme appellate court meets the prosecutor's office requirement, repeated consideration of the case will be appointed.

It is expected p that the decision on this question will be made in November.

Now Oscar Pistrius contains in prison of Pretoria, despite the resolution of department of correctional facilities according to which the athlete had to be released on August 21. This decision earlier was cancelled the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of South Africa.

the Tragedy in Oksar Pistorius's house occurred on February 14, 2013. According to case papers, the athlete several times shot at the locked door of a bathroom behind which there was his girlfriend, model Riva Stencamp. The athlete claimed subsequently that opened fire, thinking that to the house robbers made the way. From the got gunshot wounds, including in the head, the girl died on the spot.