Espionage, Erdogan's prosecution and Obama's refusal: Turkey for August

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Review of the loudest events of month Arif Asalyoglu

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August of a time azil heat political passions, and t the error exceeded extreme line, carrying away all new lives. N the apryazheniye grows every day that corresponds to the integrated plan president Recep Erdogan. On the southern border the problem of refugees and IGIL threat, and behind all this costs violence, death and drama of human life.

Erdogan's Former adviser will appear before the court for espionage

to the ex-adviser heads of state Mohammed Taha Gergerlioglu and two of his colleagues, is detained ykh Germani to it in December on suspicion in espionage, criminal case is brought. The supreme district court of the city of Koblenz accepted corresponding the decision on the basis of proofs and proofs of a fact of crime.

the First hearing on business took place on September 9. The 59-year-old citizen of Turkey Ahmet Durán Y., and also the citizen appears in business together with Gergerlioglu Germany 34 summer Geksel G. Gergerlioglu was detained on December 17, 2014 , and to the present stays under arrest. In the past it occupied different administrative positions, worked as the adviser at the prime minister Erdogan , was the member of the Supervisory commission at Fund of insurance of deposits ( TMSF ) , entered in executive council Anka Halk .

P espublikansky N arodn aya party t reb uyet to subpoena Erdogan and his colleagues, 4 ex-ministers

Deputy P espublikansky N arodno y parties ( RNP ) Fikri Saglar proposed to make in parliament special investigation in the relation P edzhepa Erdogan, ex-Minister of Internal Affairs Muammer Gyuler, former Minister of Economics Zafer Chaglayan and his colleague on minist to an erstvo environment of Erdogan Bayraktar, and also ex- minister on affairs Egemen Bagysh's EU.

Saglar addressed to the speaker of parliament, before in to it 5 developed projects with specific proposals. In the indictment to the prime minister Erdogan, two ministers and their children resolutions about detention, and also documents with charges upon events on December 17, 2013 It is a question about vzyatk e authorized to persons from prosecutor's office Istanbul and , poddelk e documents and popytk e unduly to make changes to the Law on smuggling. State Council otklon silt project president of Turkey

It agrees to the Cabinet decision of April 27, 2012, palace "Aksaray" ( round. Aksaray — the white palace) in the beginning was under construction for the prime minister, but is closer to delivery it was renamed into the presidential palace. Budget stro yki made near $ 2 m lrd. Object r aspolagayetsya in reserved to a zone And nkarsky forestry of Ataturk.

In relation the prime minister criminal case at the initiative of Chamber of architects, Chambers of engineers of agriculture, Chambers and nzhener on landscape improvement, and nkarsky branch of Chamber of engineers on town planning questions and city halls of Ankara. The State Council recognized correctness of the claimant and by a majority vote made the decision in it advantage.

Chairman and nkarsky branch of Chamber of architects Tezdzhan Karakush Dzhandan prepared the written statement: "The palace built illegally, has to be immediately released, and the president should move to the former residence in Chankaye. If we want to live in the country with the laws, the first that it is necessary to make, — it to put the end in the case of rough violation — illegal construction at all in the face of the presidential residence to Ankarsky forestry of Ataturk. Each violation of the law indicates a new crime of the top officials of the state".

the Criminal complaint concerning Erdogan's statement "the system changed"

And ssotsiation Birle ş ik Kamu - İş Konfederasyonu addressed with the complaint in prosecutor's office of Ankara of rather following statement of the president Erdogan: " With istema boards in Turkey changed". In the written appeal of Association it is a question of Erdogan's performance in Rize of August 14, 2015. " With we howl the statement the president tells about change of a republican mode, parliamentary democracy and dispassionatenesses from Ataturk's principles, and also about the actual change of earlier constitutional state. Erdogan eloquently declares that the new system in the state — is dictatorships and , deprived of the right and laws. Therefore, Erdogan in the representation changed a form of republican board and Constitution article that in legal relations it is absolutely unacceptable. And it confers to it powers to violate the existing Constitution. Thus we will remind that being chosen to a position of the president it undertook to act as the guarantor of the existing Constitution" — it is spoken in the document .

Referring to Art. 309 of the Criminal code of Turkey where consequences of violation of the Constitution, obvin eny declared about : "Obvious proofs T violations ayipy Erdogan remove from it inviolability. We claim that Erdogan has to before to become before court and to be responsible for the crimes, to incur the corresponding punishment. For this reason we address in prosecutor's office " .

Obama refused to Erdogan an audience President P . Erdogan persistently wanted vstret and t sya with Barack Obama in August or September, however Washington refused . In the official answer the following reason was specified: "Because of a busy schedule the president Barack Obama has no opportunity to meet soon. The most suitable time and place for a meeting — the summit G -20 which will take place in November of this year in Antalia". As a revenge Erdogan authorized Davutogla to participate in September at anniversary 70th session of General Assembly of the Organization about bjedinenny N ation in New York.

Earlier Ministry of Foreign Affairs Turkey provided Air Force USA right to use "all military bases" in the territory countries . In a trace for these m Turkish fighters struck blows to the IGIL bases and Kurdistan Workers' Party ( RPK ) in Syria and Iraq. More than 20 planes rose in the sky of Diyarbakir. As it became known, airstrikes are carried out on such settlements, as Zap, Gare, Haftanin, Metin and Avashin.

In the Chankaysky palace under the chairmanship of the prime minister Ahmet Davutoglu about shl about an emergency meeting concerning national security. the Head of the government promised that fight against terrorism will be continued. In the statement it was emphasized that bases " Islamic state" and RPK in Syria and Iraq will be attacked .

P roslush did not confirm and s

When from Germany p ostupilo message on that that the summit across Syria, about going in m inisterstvo of foreign affairs of Turkey, pros l it was taken in by Americans, yvshy deputy head Council and on scientific and technical researches ( T Ü B İ TAK ) Hassan Palaz disproved this version. Palaz otmet silt that assumptions of listening do not correspond to reality, having referred on results of the carried out expertize.

justice and development Party ( PSR ) , having focused Shai the attention on "fight" against parallel structures, not managed to react properly to real threats. How it is possible to hold confidential meeting, without having taken necessary security measures? Denise Bolyukbasha's ex-ambassador commented on a situation: "Subjects of national security have to be discussed in a special place, with the provided blocking of possible listening. Till 2007 in m an inisterstvo of foreign affairs of such room was not. I do not think that now such room appeared. After scandal with listening of anything it was not made".

In the protocol local pro-curos atury a number of violations in works e m inisterstvo of foreign affairs. On a floor where the office is located, only one camera is installed and this chamber does not control an exit from the elevator and some other offices. "Equipment GSM Jammer it is also faulty" — it is spoken in the document . Prosecutor Veli of Dalgala declared that the protocol of July 9, 2014 about carrying out examination not it is executed . N and extent of two last years of the USA, England and Germany proslushiva yut Turkey yu . However Ankara prefers to hush up this fact, avoiding any diplomatic statements.

Barack Obama
Main activity:Politician
Recep Erdogan
Last position: President of the Republic of Turkey (President of Turkey)
Egemen Bagysh
Last position: Ambassador (Embassy Republics Turkey in Czech Republic)
Asalyoglu Arif
Political ideology:Socialism, Kurdish Nationalism, Maoism, Communism, Marxism-Leninism, social democracy, Socialism of 21 centuries.
Political ideology:Social conservatism, economic liberalism, neoosmanizm, Islamism, Euroscepticism.