The court sent the ex-president of Guatemala under arrest

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Гватемальский the court chose imprisonment as a measure of restraint for ex-president of the country Otto Perez Molina . On Tuesday, September 8, former head of the state became the person involved in criminal case : it will judge on charges of a collusion, smuggling and bribery.

according to the State Office of Public Prosecutor of Guatemala, 64-year-old Perez Molina headed the large-scale corruption scheme under the name "La-Linea", revealed in the spring of this year in customs authorities of the country. The judge Miguel Ángel Galves motivated the decision on Perez Molina's capture under guards with that finding of the ex-president on freedom can prevent a consequence: still are not caught 15 more people who are also passing in the matter of "La-Linea".

This corruption scandal provoked the acute political crisis in Guatemala for the last more than 30 years. In May the wave of exposures compelled to retire the vice-president Roxana Baldetti. At the end of August her arrested.

in recent months in Guatemala the many thousands demonstrations which main requirement there was an immediate resignation of the president did not stop. At the end of August the State Office of Public Prosecutor declared intention to check Perez Molina's activity for what it was necessary to deprive of it judicial immunity. On September 1 the unicameral parliament of Guatemala — for the first time in the history of the country — unanimously supported this initiative. After that Perez Molina submitted the application on resignation which the Congress accepted on September 3. According to the constitution presidential post was held by the vice-president Alejandro Maldonado.

on September 6 in Guatemala were held general elections — despite an aggravation of a political tension, they took place in a quiet situation and at very high turnout of voters. 70,3 percent of the citizens having the right to vote came to sites for vote — about 5,32 million people. As expected, any of applicants for the presidency could not gather necessary for a victory in the first round of 50 percent of votes so the name of the new president of Guatemala becomes known following the results of the second round of vote. It will pass on October 25, transfers TASS .