Infection in flight school: Rospotrebnadzor revealed 81 patients

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An infection in flight school: Rospotrebnadzor revealed 81 patients

Doctors surveyed all cadets and the dining room personnel

Specialists of regional Rospotrebnadzor made epidemiological investigation in Krasnokutsky flight school of civil aviation. This morning the director of school Alexander Karaman told strong to "Sarinform" that the indisposition was approximately at 30 cadets because of adaptation to the new district .

in Rospotrebnadzor were called Yesterday by residents of Saratov and told that in school some cadets with sharp enteric infection "got sick". Specialists of management and the center of hygiene and epidemiology of area left in Red Kut and surveyed cadets. The infectiologist revealed 81 patients with sharp enteric infection, reported in Rospotrebnadzor press service.

In school took samples of drinking water, products, daily tests of ready food, solutions of disinfectants and other materials for research. Experts also surveyed the catering department personnel.

epidemiological investigation Now proceeds, it becomes known of results later. Rospotrebnadzor of area took a situation on control.