Province of Esmeraldas Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowThere are zones without electricity, estimate damage, in the province (Esmeraldas) occupations at schools are suspendedThere are zones without electricity, estimate damage, in the province (Esmeraldas) occupations at schools are suspended12/19/2016Rafael CorreaWhat pressed close, spikes in violence in Quito, Esmeraldas, Ibarre and Asoges, what they (right) did not achieve at vote, now want to achieve force4/3/2017Rafael CorreaThere are zones without electricity, estimate damage, in the province (Esmeraldas) occupations at schools are suspendedThere are zones without electricity, estimate damage, in the province (Esmeraldas) occupations at schools are suspended12/19/2016Rafael CorreaWhat pressed close, spikes in violence in Quito, Esmeraldas, Ibarre and Asoges, what they (right) did not achieve at vote, now want to achieve force4/3/2017Rafael CorreaThere are zones without electricity, estimate damage, in the province (Esmeraldas) occupations at schools are suspendedThere are zones without electricity, estimate damage, in the province (Esmeraldas) occupations at schools are suspended12/19/2016Rafael Correa120Region News+0 last weekMedia Score: LowConnectionsno dataPopulationno dataNewsConnections Tree
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SecurityСиловики задержали в Эквадоре двух главарей банды, объявленной террористамиRT in Russian1/13/2024GeographyCompaniesPeopleMedia40 secAccidentsВ Эквадоре рассказали о причинах и последствиях «внутреннего вооружённого конфликта»1/13/2024GeographyPeople3.9 minSecurityВ Эквадоре заключенные взяли в заложники 178 служащих тюремdaily social and political business newspaper "Izvestiya"1/11/2024GeographyPeople1.3 minSecurityВ Эквадоре в заложниках остаются 178 сотрудников тюремDay.Az1/11/2024ProductsGeography29 secSecurityВ Эквадоре в заложниках остаются 178 человек1/11/2024GeographyMedia27 secSecurityВ Эквадоре в заложниках у заключенных остаются 178 сотрудников тюрем1/11/2024GeographyMedia28 sec
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