Uliyanovo district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowWork is done considerable, very important for the Ulyanovsk area. And, I hope, it will serve as an example for other regions of area on activization of work on attraction of investments into the sphere of housing and communal servicesWork is done considerable, very important for the Ulyanovsk area. And, I hope, it will serve as an example for other regions of area on activization of work on attraction of investments into the sphere of housing and communal services12/27/2021Wladyslaw ShapshaWe were included in the federal program of repair and modernization of the municipal museums. This year there will be an overhaul of museum of local lore in Ulyanovsk the area. Also we will update others5/18/2022Wladyslaw ShapshaWork is done considerable, very important for the Ulyanovsk area. And, I hope, it will serve as an example for other regions of area on activization of work on attraction of investments into the sphere of housing and communal servicesWork is done considerable, very important for the Ulyanovsk area. And, I hope, it will serve as an example for other regions of area on activization of work on attraction of investments into the sphere of housing and communal services12/27/2021Wladyslaw ShapshaWe were included in the federal program of repair and modernization of the municipal museums. This year there will be an overhaul of museum of local lore in Ulyanovsk the area. Also we will update others5/18/2022Wladyslaw ShapshaWork is done considerable, very important for the Ulyanovsk area. And, I hope, it will serve as an example for other regions of area on activization of work on attraction of investments into the sphere of housing and communal servicesWork is done considerable, very important for the Ulyanovsk area. And, I hope, it will serve as an example for other regions of area on activization of work on attraction of investments into the sphere of housing and communal services12/27/2021Wladyslaw Shapsha1226Region News+5 last weekHead since 2006Alexander Mikhaylovich KudakovMedia Score: LowHead since 2006Alexander Mikhaylovich Kudakov95years oldDate of establishmentJune 17, 19296:23:12 PMGMT+340RUS+748443Dialing code51Connections+27 last weekPopulation7 112NewsConnections Tree
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