Isaac Newton predicted ‘end of the world and return of Jesus in 2060’ new papers ‘written by scientist’ reveal

@The Sun

The British scientist, who discovered gravity, wrote how a second coming of Christ will mark the end of life as we know it

By Bradley Jolly

SIR Isaac Newton predicted the world would end in 2060 in newly discovered papers scientists unearthed.

The British scientist, who discovered gravity, wrote how a second coming of Christ will mark the end of life as we know it.

 Sir Isaac Newton predicted the end of the world, it has emerged
Getty - Contributor Sir Isaac Newton predicted the end of the world, it has emerged

Sir Newton, born in Woolsthorpe-by-Colsterworth, Lincs. in 1643, had a keen interest in religion and the existence of life.

But in the newly unearthed work, the physician uses the alias "Jehovah Sanctus Unus" to predict the world will "reset" in 2060.

He said Earth will then become "the Kingdom of God," Daily Star reports.

Sir Newton wrote: "It may end later, but I see no reason for its ending sooner."

 It is the latest in a recent string of 'end of the world' conspiracy theories
Getty - Contributor It is the latest in a recent string of 'end of the world' conspiracy theories
 Sir Newton, born in 1643, had a keen interest in religion and the existence of life
Getty - Contributor Sir Newton, born in 1643, had a keen interest in religion and the existence of life

And the prediction is unveiled in "Isaac Newton: The A**hole Who Reinvented The Universe", a humorous book released this month by Florian Freistetter.

In the witty profile, Florian writes: "For him, 2060 [would be] a new beginning; maybe accompanied by war and catastrophes but ultimately the start of a new divine era."

Sir Newton was convinced future events were "already ordained by God" and he believed in the existence of "prophetic time periods," Florian adds.

 Our modern understanding of light and colour begins with Sir Newton
Getty - Contributor Our modern understanding of light and colour begins with Sir Newton

But for as long as mankind has walked the earth, the human race has been predicting when and how the world will end.

Numerous "End of Days" theories have gripped the web.

The Blood Moon eclipse, for instance, was due to occur on July 27, 2018.

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