ФОТО: 58 французских городков, которые ждут вас после Парижа

Разумеется, никто не хочет пропустить Париж - это самый посещаемый туристами город в мире вот уже много лет. Но после него вы свободны в своем выборе и вот сколько альтернатив у вас есть:

Бенак-э-Казнак, Аквитания

I have itchy feet this morning REALLY want to book a holiday. Daydreaming about being back on the #dordogne #river 🌞. Such an amazing trip! #frenchlife #beynacetcazenac #wanderlust #amazingviews #idyllic #daydreaming

A photo posted by Alannah's Diary (@alannahsdiary) on Sep 23, 2015 at 1:46am PDT

Эгисхайм, Эльзас

Старый город в #Eguisheim #путешествую #Alsace #France

A photo posted by Tatiana (@tartinko) on Aug 10, 2015 at 1:03pm PDT

Белькастель, Юг-Пиренеи

#france #belcastel

A photo posted by @nyu0nyu on Sep 5, 2015 at 1:52pm PDT

Русийон, Прованс-Альпы-Лазурный Берег

In the little streets of the red/ocre village of Roussillon.

A photo posted by Mary Quincy (@mary_quincy) on Aug 28, 2015 at 3:34am PDT

Лаводьё, Овернь

Balade dans le village de Lavaudieu😍 #lavaudieu #Auvergne #igersAuvergne #HauteLoire #plusbeauvillagedeFrance #France #IgersFrance #Senouire #loves_france_ #journéedupatrimoine #vsco #vscocam #lesphotographes #architecturelovers #architecture #Landscape #Paysage #naturelovers #NoFilter #village

A photo posted by vietnem63 - Cyril (@vietnem63) on Sep 21, 2015 at 1:54pm PDT

Сен-Сюльяк, Бретань

Good day, beautiful sunday ☀️💕 #withmylove #saintsuliac #port #beautifulplace #bestmoment #mabellebretagne #brittany #sun #chill #minou ❤️⛵️

A photo posted by E L O D I E 💎 (@elodroche) on Aug 3, 2015 at 1:33am PDT

Семюр-ан-Осуа, Бургундия

Нереально красивый средневековый город недалеко от Дижона. Если будете путешествовать по Франции-настоятельно советую заглянуть! #semurenauxois #france #vsco #vscocam

A photo posted by Elizaveta Pavlova (@liza_pavlova) on Sep 26, 2015 at 4:00am PDT

Коллонж-ла-Руж, Лимузен

Limosges'dan Toulouse'a giderken yolda aniden direksiyonu kırıp yakınlardaki bir köye sapınca... Collonges-la-Rouge

A photo posted by Ahmet Ore (@medigo) on Aug 10, 2015 at 2:40am PDT

Сен-Бенуа-дю-Со, Центр

Le ravissant village de Saint Benoît du Sault dans le Berry ! Juste trop mignon ! 😍 #Berry #creuse #village #french #france #ilovefrance

A photo posted by StellaParis (@maylis_stella) on Sep 6, 2015 at 4:41am PDT

Эз, Прованс-Альпы-Лазурный Берег

sfadi in trasferta 🇫🇷💙 #Èze #PACA

A photo posted by Beatrice Zanette (@beatricezanette) on Sep 20, 2015 at 12:17pm PDT

Минерв, Лангедок-Руссильон


A photo posted by Raphaël L. (@lulu_de_la_meurthe) on Aug 27, 2015 at 9:02am PDT

Бонваль-Сюр-Арк, Рона-Альпы

Hameau de l'Écot #frenchalps

A photo posted by 🌲 Sarah Belin 🌲 (@thisislouloute) on Mar 8, 2015 at 8:35am PDT

Горд, Прованс-Альпы-Лазурный Берег

Stopped in the charming hilltop town of Gordes along our road trip in Provence yesterday #france #gordes #provence #gmgtravels

A photo posted by Julia Engel (Gal Meets Glam) (@juliahengel) on Jul 21, 2015 at 9:29am PDT

Юнавир, Эльзас

Along the Rue de l'Eglise in Hunawihr.

A photo posted by Jane Farr (@carmelscribe) on Sep 10, 2015 at 10:12am PDT

Сант-Антонино, Корсика

12/09/2015 | La magnifique vue depuis le sommet du village de Sant'Antonino (village classé parmi les plus beaux villages de France). #france #jaimelafrance #igersfrance #corse #corsica #hautecorse #balagne #santantonino #paysage #landscape #outdoors #panorama #village #villageperché #villageperche #perchedvillage #plusbeauvillagedefrance #plusbeauxvillagesdefrance #patrimoine #heritage #maisons #houses #mer #sea #mediterranee #mediterraneansea #photooftheday #picoftheday #bestoftheday

A photo posted by Nicolas Garousse (@nicogarousse) on Sep 17, 2015 at 2:25pm PDT

Ла-Бастид-Клеранс, Аквитания

C'est beau le pays basque quand on prend le temps d'aller dans les terres #paysbasque #euskalherria #aquitaine #escapade

A photo posted by Matt Cook Lover (@mattcooklover) on Sep 19, 2015 at 7:25am PDT

Сикст-Фер-А-Шваль, Рона-Альпы

Even rainy days in the mountains are special days😍🌳🍂💦 #autumn #mountains #mountainlife #neverstopexploring #lvfalps #nature #wild #peaceful #beautiful #samoens #frenchalps #sixtferacheval #hautesavoie #stunning #rainyday #special #love #inspiring

A photo posted by LvF Alps (@lvfalps) on Sep 18, 2015 at 12:38am PDT

Ла-Рок-Гажак, Дордонь

C'est fini #laroquegageac

A photo posted by Seijas (@jseijasg) on Sep 7, 2015 at 1:58pm PDT

Риквир, Эльзас

#Riquewihr #France #Alsace

A photo posted by Maria (@justmimosa) on Sep 2, 2015 at 2:28pm PDT

Монпазье, Аквитания

#france #dordogne #perigord #aquitaine #medieval #monpazier #lesplusbeauxvillagesdefrance

A photo posted by Francois Ternisien (@ft7676) on Jul 30, 2015 at 7:00am PDT

Сен-Гийем-ле-Дезер, Лангедок-Руссильон

Médiéval #Latergram #RoadTrip #summer2015 #DouceFrance #lescévennes #saintguilhemledesert #village

A photo posted by ll_cool_jey (@ll_cool_jey) on Oct 1, 2015 at 11:39pm PDT

Локронан, Бретань

Locronan #locronan #locronan #bretagne #france #hdr #francia #like4like #amazing #beautiful #beauty #cloudporn #like #sky #webstagram #bd_france

A photo posted by SuperLuciuS (@lucio_sassi) on Aug 27, 2015 at 9:39am PDT

Монпейру, Овернь

#auvergne #puydedome #montpeyroux #village #france

A photo posted by Guillaume Demergès (@g_demerges) on Aug 15, 2014 at 8:33am PDT

Бом-Ле-Месьё, Франш-Конте

Là où je t'emmènerai, cette semaine je plonge dans mes souvenirs de 2015 pour partager avec vous de jolis endroits, aujourd’hui Baume-les-Messieurs dans le Jura

A photo posted by Denis  (@denisbdry) on Oct 1, 2015 at 11:27pm PDT

Камон, Юг-Пиренеи

Went exploring and found this little town called Camon. #France #audetourisme

A photo posted by Conor Phelan (@conorphelanphoto) on Jun 19, 2015 at 10:56pm PDT

Барфлёр, Нижняя Нормандия

#barfleur #weekend #france #mer #port

A photo posted by Malou van Waesberghe (@malou_vw) on Sep 13, 2015 at 11:10am PDT

Сент-Эмильон, Аквитания

#francetravel #saintemilion

A photo posted by @ms.k_lifestyle on Sep 30, 2015 at 1:07pm PDT

Монтрезор, Центр

#touraine #touraineloirevalley #montresor #valdelindrois #plusbeauvillagedefrance

A photo posted by Vincent (@bangui37) on Jul 11, 2015 at 11:02am PDT

Кулон, Пуату-Шаранта

🇫🇷 Bonjour les amis. Prêt pour un tour en barque dans le Marais Poitevin près de #Niort. 🍀 Good morning! Ready for a boat trip in the marshlands.

A photo posted by Suzanne Mc Grath 🍀 Sue (@touristvision) on Sep 3, 2015 at 10:44pm PDT

Салер, Овернь

🇫🇷 Un des plus beau villages de France. #Salers dans le #Cantal. Voici l'hôtel de ville. 🍀 One of the most beautiful villages of France. Sales in the Cantal region. This is the town hall.

A photo posted by Suzanne Mc Grath 🍀 Sue (@touristvision) on Jul 28, 2015 at 12:50am PDT

Лурмарен, Прованс-Альпы-Лазурный Берег

Albert Camus' stomping grounds

A photo posted by @elenakoroleva on Sep 13, 2015 at 11:44am PDT

Брус-ле-Шато, Юг-Пиренеи

Le village perché #france #sud #Aveyron #MidiPyrénées #plusbeauvillagedefrance #village #summer #landscape #paysage #villageclassé #travel #voyage #BrousseleChâteau

A photo posted by @emi_maupetit on Sep 9, 2015 at 9:34am PDT

Монконтур, Бретань

#moncontour #bretagne #villemédiévale #france #ruelle #igersbretagne #breizh #bretagnetourisme

A photo posted by Laëti Tia (@laetifo) on Aug 24, 2015 at 10:24am PDT

Нуае, Бургундия

A photo posted by @irenep64 on Jun 24, 2015 at 2:35pm PDT

Монфланкен, Аквитания

Day 7 | Meandering through the little streets of this pretty medieval village • #Monflanquin #aqfr15

A photo posted by Charlotte Chaffey (@lottielou38) on Aug 11, 2015 at 10:09am PDT

Турнемир, Овернь

Tournemire, France

A photo posted by AЯNOLD (@arnyoz) on Aug 5, 2015 at 8:41am PDT

Сен, Бретань

Ile de Sein #iledesein

A photo posted by Dominik Zebro (@domzebro) on Jul 27, 2015 at 11:02pm PDT

Апремон-сюр-Алье, Центр

#village #apremontsurallier #apremont_sur_allier #typique #typical #maison #house #pierre #stone #toit #rooftop #cheminée #chimney #ciel #sky #campagne #countryside #paysage #landscape #Cher #lesplusbeauxvillagesdefrance #architecture #jardin #garden #fleur #flower #plante #plant

A photo posted by @boutifare on Aug 28, 2015 at 4:10am PDT

Пьяна, Корсика

Les vacances me manquent... #corsica #corse #last #summer #misssummer #piana #sky #skyporn #roadofinstagram #sunny

A photo posted by Arnaud (@arno_lgn) on Sep 27, 2015 at 12:20pm PDT

Ла Рок-Сюр-Сез, Лангедок-Руссильон

Village de La Roque-sur-Cèze, une pépite! par @emiliegei #repost #languedoc #gard #beautiful #france #village #bluesky #southoffrance #holidays #vacances #plusbeauvillagedefrance #laroquesurceze #sundaywalk #summertime

A photo posted by ADRT du Gard, compte officiel (@gardtourisme) on Aug 31, 2015 at 5:18am PDT

Шато-Шалон, Франш-Конте

Souvenirs from a Jurassien weekend

A photo posted by Danielle Hammon (@wineyogi) on Apr 14, 2015 at 5:57am PDT

Ла-Рош-Гийон, Иль-де-Франс

Château de La Roche Guyon 🏰🇫🇷#randonnee #vexin #walk #sport #larocheguyon #sun #sunshine #instamoment #picoftheday #potd #castle #france

A photo posted by Julie Krawczyk Czywezewski (@julie_krawczyk) on Aug 22, 2015 at 9:52am PDT

Кастельну, Лангедок-Руссильон

"Avui en terres de França i demà més lluny potser, no em moriré d'enyorança ans d'enyorança viuré" by #joanolivé #castelnou #france #frança #catalunyanord #pyrénéesorientales #languedoc #roussillon #vacances #holidays #amblaceci #stopit

A photo posted by @nessabruch on Aug 20, 2015 at 10:23am PDT

Родемак, Лотарингия

#rodemack #city #streets #ig_france #france #instagood #europe #ig_europe #ig_world #igworldquest #loves_street #super_europe #insta_international #niceplace #ig_clubaward #kings_villages #beststreets #super_france #igs_europe #igtravel #ig_today #citybestpics #igsccities #instalike #cities #ig_worldclub #igers #loves_europe #city_explore

A photo posted by Raluca Csernatoni (@ralucsernatoni) on Sep 20, 2015 at 3:48am PDT

Бёврон-ан-Ож, Нижняя Нормандия

Belle belle belle #Normandie 🌸☀️🐄🌼🚜 #campagne #fleurs #nature #été #soleil #crépuscule #rivière #village #france #bassenormandie #paysdauge #maisonnormande #armoire #meuh

A photo posted by @marielebolloch on Aug 22, 2015 at 8:27am PDT

Е, Лангедок-Руссильон

Eus, e wunderschöns Dorf in de Pyrenäen am Fuess vom Mont Canigou / Eus, a beautiful village in the Pyrenees near Mont Canigou #nature #village #villagefleurie #landscape #countryside #clouds #cloudlovers #skylovers #sky #old #picturesque #resourcemag #beautiful #ig_countryside #fujifilmxt1 #eus #pyreneesorientales #france #natur#landschaft #himmel #wolken #wunderschön #dorf #malerisch

A photo posted by Simone (@lehsim05) on Sep 29, 2015 at 1:53pm PDT

Каренак, Юг-Пиренеи

Carennac #lot #france #carennac #village #maison #pierre #tbm #picoftheday #pictureoftheday #photooftheday #photographer #potd #instapic #instalike #instamood #instamoment #instadaily #throwbackmonday #nostalgie #vacances #sun #instago #travel #travelbook #Travelgram #instatravel #travelpics #travelpicture #travelphotography #TourismeMidiPy

A photo posted by Laure (@lauresouche) on Aug 17, 2015 at 2:50am PDT

Сен-Сенери-ле-Жере, Нижняя Нормандия

Un joli petit village ... les étoiles seront très belle ici ... Quest-ce que tu pense, minion?

A photo posted by Hina (@hinaet) on Sep 10, 2015 at 6:04pm PDT

Сен-Сирк-Лапопи, Юг-Пиренеи

4/10 yesterday, I rediscovered the Medieval village of St Cirq Lapopie, perched, as was the tradition, on a hilltop, overlooking the river Lot, in South West France. For me, the history is palpable here, and it's the kind of place where my once upon a time imagination is so very happy to run wild... #tradition #fmsphotoaday #saintcirqlapopie #stcirqlapopie #thekindredsoulvillage #autumncolourloving #shotoniphone6 #from_your_perspective_33 #myweekofdetails #seekthepositive #nothingisordinary #jaimelafrance #rendezvousenfrance #ilovefrance #lelot #TourismeMidiPy #TheEuropeanCollective

A photo posted by Ruth (@saffronandsuitcases) on Oct 3, 2015 at 3:27pm PDT

Жерберуа, Пикардия


A photo posted by Christian Holthausen (@bosiechampagne) on May 16, 2015 at 7:50am PDT

Ла-Флот, Пуату-Шаранта

👉 La Flotte #LaFlotteEnRé #IleDeRé #CharenteMaritime #PoitouCharentes 📷 07-2015 ➖➖➖➖➖

A photo posted by @luva80 on Jul 5, 2015 at 1:48pm PDT

Эль-Бур, Реюньон

Hell Bourg from the top! #reunion #gotoreunion #hellbourg #rando #reunionisland #salazie

A photo posted by ☀️Audrey Demey☀️ (@audreypounie) on Jul 25, 2015 at 11:13pm PDT

Сен-Веран, Прованс-Альпы-Лазурный Берег

Saint Veran e le sue montagne -Location - parco naturale del Queyras #saintveran #queyras #francia #monvisounesco #ok_Europe #montagne_my_life #mountain_world #splendid_mountains #bestmountainartists #estaes_montes #loves_mountains #bd_france #loves_france #ig_france #loves_france_ #nature_perfection #nature_wizards #nature #ok_landscape #mountain #montagna #loves_landscape #kings_villages #volgoworld

A photo posted by Antonio Filippi (@filippi_73) on Sep 22, 2015 at 10:02am PDT

Овиллар, Юг-Пиренеи

Auvillar (82) La Tour de l'Horloge #france #auvillar #rue #street #tourdelhorloge #clocktower #tourim #tourisme #village #voyage #travel #tarnetgaronne #plusbeauxvillagesdefrance #visitlafrance #jaimelafrance #chemindesaintjacques #igfrance #igersfrance #midipyrenees #instagood

A photo posted by Jenny H 🇫🇷 (@jennyh_33) on Sep 27, 2015 at 9:48am PDT

Перуж, Рона-Альпы

05.23p.m 🏰 Ville pittoresque de #Pérouges #rhonealpes #perouges #villefortifiée #france #2k15 #summer2015 #cool #picoftheday #city

A photo posted by 🔹Елека • 🎐24y/o • أن سولين • (@helenka_w) on Sep 20, 2015 at 4:58pm PDT

Венаск, Прованс-Альпы-Лазурный Берег

Cruising around some magnificent hilltop towns like this one, Venasque in Provence. C'est magnifique! #loves_france_ #france_photolovers #france #venasque #ig_captures #ig_france #mobilephotography #travelphotography #travelgram #ig_europe #provencejetaime #provence

A photo posted by @aussiexinyue on Aug 10, 2015 at 5:52am PDT

Лион-ла-Форе, Верхняя Нормандия

Нереальное место...

A photo posted by Serg (@wertyq74) on May 27, 2015 at 12:06pm PDT

Монбрен-Ле-Бэн, Рона-Альпы

Waking up in the South of #France . #Provence #summer

A photo posted by Romain Guns (@romainguns) on Aug 22, 2015 at 3:53am PDT

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