Мэр Казани потребовал привести все укрытия в подвалах жилых домов в надлежащее состояние

В городе на случай ЧС оборудованы 1209 подвальных помещений в многоквартирных...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «Official portal of the city hall of Kazan» , more details in our Terms of Service
Ilsur Metshin
Last position: Head of the municipality (Kazan city City Council )
Iskander Giniyatullin
Last position: Deputy head (Executive committee of the municipal entity of the Kazan city)
Rustem Gafarov
Last position: Head (Executive committee of the municipal entity of the Kazan city)
Muginov Marat
Vildanov Camyl