Виталий Хоценко переназначил пятерых министров

Свои посты еще на один год сохранили Евгений Козлов, Александр Рашко, Алексей Кубиц, Андрей Посаженников и Татьяна Хавронина...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «ОмскРегион» , more details in our Terms of Service
Eugenie Kozlov
Last position: Minister (Ministry of Property Relations of the Omsk region)
Andrey Posazhennikov
Last position: Minister (Ministry of Industry of the Omsk region)
Youri Trofimov
Last position: Minister (Ministry of Culture of the Omsk region)
Khotsenko Vitaly
Rashko Alexander
Regionalnogo government
Government Agency